We are engaged but I don’t feel like I should marry someone that can’t fulfill me . I crave passion and love and I feel so deprived. I feel isolated and lonely even when we’re in the same room. I ask him repeatedly to show more affection but he says that’s all he can offer and he’s trying ?? He doesn’t kiss me or cuddle me or hug me … During sex he won’t look at me or kiss me … I feel so used and no longer whole as a person … I cook and clean and take care of the kids and I still get nothing in return .. I don’t even feel appreciated let alone any romance or love connection .. what do I do , if talking to him won’t work …

  1. Well you need to take marriage off the table. What’s the point of choosing a dress and center pieces if he doesn’t meet this very fundamental need? Is he she? Not attracted to you? Overly religious? In love with someone else? Gay? Who knows. But it makes zero sense to carry on with what seems like an inauthentic relationship.

  2. You leave, is what you do. Don’t resign yourself to a lifetime like this. There are many more fish in the sea!

    It really doesn’t seem like you two are compatible. Stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

  3. This is what he’s offering, and it doesn’t make you happy. Don’t get married on the gamble that someday he’ll change into what you want.

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