Me (F,20) and my fwb (M,22) have been seeing each other for 6 months now and I’ve caught feelings and he knows that. We had a weird situation around 3 months ago where he said he had feelings but then said he doesn’t so he knows exactly how I feel. However in the past 1-2 months he’s been acting different, like wanting to see me more, talking to me more, etc.

I’ve recently noticed he’s been on dating sites and one site in particular really irritates me. It’s called Feabie. He likes bigger women and I’m a big woman. On this site he can do all what a normal dating site can do except it’s all about bigger woman/men and can post pictures and private pictures on there. I’ve seen he has posted some private pictures but I have no idea what they are. Also when he gets notifications pop up from the app, he says it’s a work app. I believed him up untill I searched the app up yesterday because I thought It was weird. And I was right, it’s not a work app.

He gets irritated by other men texting me and complimenting me so surely it’s fair me getting irritated by this app? It’s been eating my up inside because I don’t know if I should speak to him about it or leave if. It said he joined the app 1 month ago which also hurts more. I don’t think I would be as bothered if he joined before he met me but he didn’t.

What would everyone else do in this situation? I need advice x

  1. Id cut it off tbh the man is lying to you and messing around with your feelings. If he wanted to be with you he would.

  2. You already know, you are in denial. You are being used.

    Total no contact would be the best solution but you would need to commit to getting over him. Stop giving him your heart. If he wanted to be your man you’d already know.

  3. I mentioned it to him over text and he didn’t really say anything. He kind of denied it saying that it probably wasn’t the same app that I saw. Then I said it was for big people and he said no it sounds like I’ve been searching it up. So idk if he was trying to deny it or not but I ended up just saying that I wasn’t bothered and changed the subject.

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