I 21 f have another friend 21 f, met her a year and half ago, in few months she started calling me her best friend, i found out I’m her only friend since she was 12 which I found a bit odd,anyways , now she is very very very clingy she would spend the whole day with me, text me 24/7, whenever I talk to someone else she would sit between us and tell the other girl that she’s my only best friend!!!!
She would always take the same classes as me, any friends i have she will try toooooo hard to become friends with them as well, also I think she’s copying me, for example i once gained 2kg and stopped eating sugar for a while to lose them so whenever someone offer me something with sugar I’ll decline, the following day she started doing the exact same and once i asked her why r u cutting sugar she had no idea -found out later she do eat it when no one is around????-
Honestly it’s killing me, the worst part is i do not enjoy her company at all, i feel like her mind stopped growing at age of 12, she talk and act and dress like a child, i know many women act childish every know and then, but that’s not what I’m talking about, her core way of thinking is childlike, plus she falls in love sooo easily like fell in love with someone bc he gave her extra paper, sge fell in love with a professor bc he remembered her name, and think he likes her too bc ” he say good morning back when she says good morning”, so i feel like it’s seriously affecting my brain and I’m becoming like her especially that i only hang with her, in general I’m an introvert and it’s hard for me to get friends but with her around it’s impossible, am I right to want to cut this friendship or that’ll be very mean?

  1. You don’t owe anyone anything, you can drop em for whatever reason. Just be sure the backlash if any is worth it.

  2. Maybe if you feel that you’re outgrowing the relationship, I don’t see why you shouldn’t cut them out. And more tellingly, it’s true that some relationships/friendships come with expiration dates.

  3. Not enjoying your time with someone is a perfectly acceptable reason to stop spending time with them.

  4. OMG! She sounds exactly like my ex wife! Filing for divorce was by far the best decision I ever made! I’m a 41/F and the divorce took place in 2019. 3 years of Hell! Lol. In the court room when we were waiting to be called forward, she said “I still love you.” I wanted to put a bag over my head.

    Absolutely yes!! If its detrimental to your mental health and increasing your stress level, then there is nothing wrong with doing what is best for you! Its self care!

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