What is bothering you?

  1. My career i hate and im not good at it. And im 30 and single and i dont have a social life or freinds. All around me are marrying and moving forward. Basically my life is miserable cause i didnt chose a career i love and i cant change it now. If i had a career i love i would have an awesome life. Or atleast i will get up from my bed for a purpose

  2. Professionally, I feel stuck. I want out of my career, but I don’t want to start over or disrupt my income. I don’t know how to solve this problem, because every solution seems bad.

  3. I’ve got these ugly dark spots on my forehead and the cream I bought for it isn’t helping much.

  4. I have a shot at my dream job right now, and I’m panicking that I won’t get it.

  5. That after 6 years my relationship is falling apart and no matter how hard I try it feels too much and too far gone to try and fix.

  6. Well I feel like a failure for failing my 11th grade exams. I made a post about it on r/offmychest but didnt get any advice on it

  7. Father left me 6 years ago after he had been unhappy since the day I was born. Starting to think it was my fault.

  8. It’s currently 4:53 pm. I want to go to the gym at 5pm (it’s a 5 min walk away). Unfortunately I needed to poop suddenly now I’ll reach the gym by like 5:10 and I get demotivated

  9. Stressed out to the max with my marriage. Trying to figure out the best way to call it quits without completely destroying her.

  10. The fact that people who don’t have an informed opinion want to be the loudest and most influential people.

  11. Right now I’m in a doctors office for an MRI and I’m nervous. I hate doctors office and the chance that they may find something wrong with me.

  12. Feeling like my future is bleak. My mental health is held together with duct tape, and I am addicted to bring miserable.

    I’m stuck in a vicious cycle, but maybe I don’t want to leave, for I’m afraid of what lies ahead. Basically, preferring the devil I know over the one I don’t.

  13. My lack of ability to believe that I deserve good things and am competent and successful. I keep falling back into the habit of crushing myself with criticism and gas lighting myself when good things happen to me.

    It’s beginning to turn into self sabotage

  14. I love my life to death, I’m super independent and have a ton of freedom. But I’m 30 and worried that I’m enjoying being single so much that I might not ever start a family.

  15. Recovering faster from workouts

    Besides b12 I don’t take any supplements without consulting my doctor first. As a big guy idk how long it’ll take for my body to adjust, I started consistently working out 3-4x a week and eating healthy while getting 6-8hrs of sleep.

    By the time I fully recover, part of me honestly doesn’t wanna go back to the gym because its been 2 days or so, but I know I should to keep the progress going. I lost 15lbs from November 2021 to January 2022 and fell off. Been going to the gym off and on but not consistently. My goal is to hit 200lbs. My purpose is building my confidence and living a healthy lifestyle.

    That and looking aesthetically pleasing. Not going to attract the kind of women I want unless a get it tf together.

  16. my hair is starting to thin out ALOT, and the money isn’t there for me to see a dermatologist/ get on meds to help stave things off…. seriously depressed.

  17. The fact that I’m homeless. The authorities set me up with a house and the plumbing didn’t work, it shot shitty water up through the shower. When I asked the man to fix it he insulted me and said I was being silly. I had to leave it and everyone blames me. Obviously I care about being homeless. But the worst part is being blamed. I try so hard, I have OCD and aspergers and I find dealing with filth really hard. But everyone blames me anyway.

  18. My career – I’m very good at my job and I make really good money, but I feel like I’m not sure I want to spend another 20 years doing it and I have no idea what else to do, especially since I have a certain level of income I need to support our life (kids, mortgage etc).

    Also feeling like I hate myself for being someone who spends all his time working in front of the computer and doesn’t have much time to learn to do more hands on and practical stuff like home repair, gardening, etc.

  19. Unable to land a job. My visa situation is still up in the air and I have to prepare for an exam in the meantime while my brain is not in any mood to focus.

  20. I’ve been doing self-improvement in every possible way for nearly a year now.

    The thing is, none of my peers or my family understand why I’m suddenly “weird”.

    I’m a very, VERY social person and making peace with the fact I’m in this shit alone isn’t very comforting. I put in work every day, try my hardest not to fall back into my old bad habits and people around me act like it’s just some fad I’ll grow out of.

    I’m sick of being overweight. I want to see how my abs look for once in my life before I drop dead.

    I would change social circles if I had people to choose from, but I live in a very small town.

    Guess I gotta suck it up and grind, but it sucks to have to do it on your own.

  21. I’m supporting my mom financially and it makes it hard to seriously meet someone cause they don’t see a future with me.

    (Might have found someone but it’s long distance but time will tell)

  22. Been walking my ass off in the woods and can’t find any morel mushrooms 😡

  23. dont know if my life is gonna turn out the way i want it too , but hey we keep pushing on

  24. Currently struggling to date anyone. It’s a problem of many factors, but the biggest problem is probably confidence in myself. I’m not happy with how I look even though I’m in good shape, I’m not happy that I can’t cold approach women because I’m honestly just so nervous for no reason. I’m worried that whatever I might bring to the table won’t be enough because my last 3 year relationship ended after just 3 months of not seeing each other and her cheating on me. I just feel stuck, depressed, and worthless. I’ve tried OLD, and I can barely even get responses, much less actual conversations or a date. And the dates I have been on, I try my best to ask them questions, get to know them, but they just seem like they don’t want to even be there with me. Fuck

  25. I have a wonderful family that loves me and I love so deeply. I have a great household income and work my dream job. Within reason, I could have pretty much anything I wanted, go anywhere etc.

    Some days I can see all that and feel so alone. My wife tries to support me as she knows I go through this but it’s like my soul can’t hear or feel her or anyone or anything else. I feel so deeply hurt in those times.

    I see a counselor and have cycled through a huge amount of medication combinations between 2014 and now. I got off all meds recently and just use marijuana and am doing the best that I can remember. The dark days still come. I feel less hopeless these days and can recognize in part that it seems to be cyclical for me. I’m working on riding out those times and recognizing that it’s part of who I am for today at least.

    Thank goodness for music. That shit has saved my life more times than I can remember.

    We got this bros.

  26. The fact that I am probably going to make it

    There is really not a point in living more other than just being an annoying mosquito to yourself, not giving in to the want to end it all

    Everything good and bad has already happened to me and there is not much in the future, and I dont want there to be anything, yet I am still working for it

    I am not really happy that I am living from scratch now, yet I am still struggling. I dont want do die, but I dont want to live this life anymore. There is so much more to see, but for everyone else, not me.

    I have died already. And I am afraid you can not die a second time.

  27. I’ve thrown my entire social life in the bin to prepare for exams which I haven’t even studied for.

  28. I miss her, it’s distracting me and giving me that feeling like I’ve been sucker punched in the gut.

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