Long story short, I have some friends who overall a negative impact in my life. They can be fun to be around sometimes, but it’s their actions, words, and mentality that I dislike. The problem is that I can’t drop some because our friend group is interlocked. Like If I drop friend A, it’ll be hard to talk to or hang out with friend B and C.

So I think I’d have to drop the whole friend group, but the thing is I’ve been with them for 6 years and it feels like I morally can’t, it’s hard for me to make new friends, and I see them on a daily basis because of school. I know it’s pretty vague I think but how should I go about this?

  1. Currently going through the same thing.

    I find that slowly pulling yourself away from them, not being blatantly antagonistic or patronizing, but instead, you slowly draw into yourself. Don’t give an explanation, don’t explain yourself, don’t tell your motives. It shouldn’t matter why you’re pulling away, and if they truly care, they’ll give you space. Don’t be too overt with it, but involve yourself less and less until you don’t feel the need to hang out with them.

  2. 1. Bring it up with the other people in the friend group.
    2. Drop the friends and be unable to hang out in the friend group but potentially keep some of the others as friends.
    3. Drop them all and find other friends.
    One could hopefully make the other people in the group bring it up with them and maybe they’ll stop behaving that way or they could get kicked out etc.

  3. I have been in the same situation in the past and I just blocked them without any words and they didn’t contact me. That’s when I know they don’t even consider me as friends and should have cut them off earlier. Since then, I got new friends.

  4. I have been in the same situation in the past and I just blocked them without any words and they didn’t contact me. That’s when I know they don’t even consider me as friends and should have cut them off earlier. Since then, I got new friends.

  5. Lmao I struggled with the same situation for like 3 years. I got a group of 4 and I only like one of them. I hang around with him regularly and he knows I don’t like the 3 others, and he secretly agrees. I completely skipped the 3 others.

    One or twice a year someone asks in our groupchat to meet up with all again but I just ghost it 🤣 Tbh I hope they will ever make a groupchat without me and forget me.

    I recommend you to talk with the friends you actually like and communicate it with them. You should only surround yourself with people that give you mental peace

  6. I was literally in this situation last year. Burn the group. Trust me. Adult friend groups tend to be made up of similar people. If there’s 1 or 2 in the group u don’t like, chances are, the group just isn’t for u

  7. It’s tough. I’m in a similar situation. Try 15 years. I just cut off two friends, and one I had known for 15 years. And like you, I sort of had to drop the whole group.

  8. I’m 41 (f) and had to walk away from a group of very toxic people I was tightly knit with for years. This was back in 2018. Then for 3 years I shut the world out and didn’t talk to ANYBODY! Since then I’ve been focusing on myself and at the same time getting involved in things and talking to people here and there, trying to make new friends. I look at it this way tho: The loneliness I cope with currently is a lot better than putting up with the drama and games I put up with for all those years. It wasn’t an easy decision but sometimes you have to do what’s best for you, despite the unpleasant outcome. This is not in any way meant to tell you what I think you should do but to share my experience.

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