How to get out of bed? 🙁

  1. I put my alarm out of arms reach to where I have to go stand up to turn it off. And I get my favorite robe and do a Frankenstein walk to the kitchen for coffee. That’s on a workday.

  2. On the most fundamental level?

    Buy an 18-pack of eggs. Get some salt and both some peppercorns and a pepper grinder while you’re out.

    Now, you need to get out of bed every morning to cook those eggs, or you’ve wasted your money.

  3. Go to sleep early enough so you wake up well rested. Takes some time and practice but damn, it’s worth it.

  4. Drink water before going to sleep. Your bladder will do the rest once you wake up.

  5. Set small goals, which are more achievable.

    So think “I need to brush my teeth” rather than “I need to get up for work” – set these out as small steps toward the bigger goal.

  6. Roll on to your side, drop your legs off the side acting as a counterweight, use your elbow and hands to push yourself up from a side lying position to sitting edge of bed. Pause for a few seconds to make sure you’re not dizzy. Stand up, again pause for a second, then you’re off.

  7. 1. Wake up

    2. Pull back covers

    3. Put one foot on floor

    4. Put other foot on floor

    5. Get up

    Done 😎👍

  8. You put your left food down, then you put your right foot down, then you use those glutes to push yourself up. And presto, did one leg rep already! Also spite. It’s a great motivator.

  9. Set small achievable goals; You got up, made your bed and cleaned your teeth? Awesome, job done! You then had a shower? Brilliant, job done! You then got dressed? Fantastic, job done! Etc etc…

    Get the fuck off social media; you’re seeing people’s highlight reels, not the reality of their life – try not to compare your reality with their polished image. Social media is a trap, and doom-scrolling is a cage.

    Find something to be thankful for each day/find something good that happened. It’s not about ignoring the less than ideal things that happen day to day, it’s about recognising that there’s still good to be found; like a flower growing in the crack of a footpath.

    If all that fails, to me, being upright and sucking wind certainly beats the alternative, don’t you think?

  10. Step 1: open your eyes

    Step 2: sit

    Step 3: turn 90 degrees, left or right, depending on what side of the bed

    Step 4: put both feet firmly on the floor next to the bed

    Step 5: push your weight forward while straightening your legs. Be careful to not over do it or you might fall on your face.

    Step 6: resist the urge to sit back down.

    Congratulations you’re out of bed.

    If you’re a vampire you can skip steps 2-4. But you have to open the lid first.

  11. >At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?

    – Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

  12. Don’t think, just do. Be machine. Do the thing. Don’t ponder the other things. Just be.

  13. Have a routine you look forward to – or do your best not to think and stay on autopilot.

    Thinking is the enemy of action.

  14. One foot at a time man. One foot at a time. Some days it’s harder some days it’s easier. Focus a little harder on the hard days and appreciate the easy days.
    Remember to average them out.

  15. “At break of day, when you are reluctant to get up, have this thought ready to mind: ‘I am getting up for a man’s work. Do I still then resent it, if I am going out to do what I was born for, the purpose for which I was brought into the world? Or was I created to wrap myself in blankets and keep warm?’ ‘But this is more pleasant.’ Were you then born for pleasure – all for feeling, not for action? Can you not see plants, birds, ants, spiders, bees all doing their own work, each helping in their own way to order the world? And then you do not want to do the work of a human being – you do not hurry to the demands of your own nature. ‘But one needs rest, too.’ One does indeed: I agree. But nature has set limits to this too, just as it has to eating and drinking, and yet you go beyond these limits, beyond what you need. Not in your actions, though, not any longer: here you stay below your capability. The point is that you do not love yourself – otherwise, you would love both your own nature and her purpose for you. Other men love their own pursuit and absorb themselves in its performance to the exclusion of bath and food: but you have less regard for your own nature than the smith has for his metal-work, the dancer for his dancing, the money-grubber for his money, the exhibitionist for his little moment of fame. Yet these people, when impassioned, give up food and sleep for the promotion of their pursuits: and you think social action less important, less worthy of effort?”
    – Marcus Aurelius

  16. “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to work — as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for — the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?”

    – Marcus Aurelius’

  17. I think to myself “alright, I’m getting up in 5, 4,3,2,1” and then I just do it

  18. Holy crap how often do I think this very thought.
    The secret is to not use any other reason than just doing it. Discipline over anything. Before you know it, you’ll start seeing reasons to live. And those will be fuel.

  19. Step 1: wake up
    Step 2: put your feet on the ground
    Step 3: stand up
    Step 4: great success

  20. Roll over, swinging legs over the side, turn off the alarm, stand up.

    Pretty easy, really.

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