looking at most of the recent threads on here it’s all about girls. surely we think about other things

  1. i hope you do realize that that’s because most of the questions on here are asked by women..

  2. Success
    What other peoples’ definition of it is, what defines a successful man. Just everything about it!

  3. well the threads i have tried to create on here were denied. maybe i’m just that simple

  4. Pets? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    EDIT: I mean the small (or sometimes not so small) animals that we invite to live with us, not anything sexual…

  5. >surely we think about other things

    Nope, that’s it. Just girls. In fact, when I close my eyes there’s just a blinking neon sign that says ‘girls’.

  6. Magik/Dark Arts, cryptids, conspiracy theories, paranormal activity, creepy campfire stories, theoretical physics.

  7. I want to talk about how to not feel anxious all of the time. Feel like I’m never going to succeed.

  8. besides the facct most the questions abuot women are posted by women. this is askmen
    if you want random questions try out askreddit.

    what topic do you have that you want to speak about that isnt women but you ONLY want men to answer? seems pretty clear to me why askmen is mostly asking about what the majority’s preference in romantic partners is.

  9. Why do I lose ignition timing at lower RPMs? Just misfiring/not firing like crazy at idle, but smooths out when giving it throttle. Been wrestling with this for 3 months. Just ordered a new distributor tonight.

  10. Forget girls. What’s your favorite WWII firearm?

    Mine’s gotta be the Browning Automatic Rifle. Can’t go wrong with the classic M1 Garand, either.

  11. The legality of the non-profit structure I want to implement. I’m not sure if either of my two ideas works on a taxation basis, how I want them to.

  12. That dovetail joints in woodworking are superior to mortise and tenon joints because they are more aesthetically pleasing once you sand them down and apply varnish.

  13. I would like more grilling questions. Cooking and preparing a good piece of meat goes all the way back to the discovery of fire.

  14. The thing women don’t understand is that everything men do is FOR THEM. This whole “I’m a girl boss” and “men need to move over” completely devalues everything we do. This may explain why everything here is about women.

    It’s like real life. Most of our discussions are just “Hey fellas, wtf is up with women? Why are they so confusing?”

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