At the start of the pandemic, the company that I work for decided to turn to a work from home module. So, in March 2020, I began to work from home. It was eventually decided that we would be working from home indefinitely.
Our house is a Cape Cod style it’s pretty small A little over 1300 square feet. On the first floor, there are two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and one bathroom. The second floor is attic space and one bedroom. The bedroom on the second floor was my son’s old bedroom and he recently moved out. So, at the start of the pandemic I was using his old bedroom as my office.
In May 2021, my husband and I decided that we would move our daughter, who had the second bedroom on the first floor up to my son‘s old bedroom on the second floor. Since the room is so much bigger, she’s 13 and needs the space. I would then take her old bedroom as my office. I moved my “office” to the basement so that we could get started cleaning out the room and getting it ready.
Here’s my frustration…..If it was up to me we would’ve just cleaned the carpet in my sons old room and put a fresh coat of paint on the walls and moved her up there. Done. At one point my husband decided he was going to completely gut the bedroom, open up a wall, create a walk-in closet for her and build her a vanity and all these other things. All progress slowed during the summer, him claiming it was too hot to work up there and all progress completely stopped on the room in September-October 2021. Claiming he didn’t have the money to finish it. I was still working in the basement and in the winter I had to move my work stuff up to the living room because it was too cold in the basement.
The room to this day still sits gutted and completely unfinished. I can’t say anything about it because then he gets defensive and pissed off. Says that I’m nagging him. If he wins the lottery he’ll finish it. My daughter is totally outgrowing her room, her room is always a mess and frankly she needs the space and so do I. I am working in the living room where it’s like Grand Central Station. Am I wrong for being frustrated that he’s not finishing the room, I didn’t ask him to do everything he started. It’s now a year later and I still don’t have my office and my daughter is still in her tiny room.
I have half a mind to move up to the gutted room just so I have my own space to work.

  1. I grew up in a Cape Cod style house like you described. My parents had finished everything so that there wasn’t a square foot that wasn’t being utilized, but it was still pretty cramped.

    The idea that your husband has made the entire second floor unusable would be infuriating if I were you.

  2. I’d give him a date, maybe two months out so there’s plenty of time & it can’t be an excuse, and tell him that that’s the date you’re hiring someone to finish it. If he can get it done before then, great.

  3. Is it nagging if he hasn’t done something for over a year that impacts you daily? At best he needs to put forth the plan to get this done. And no, “when I get the money.” How is he going to get the money? What’s the timeline? Sounds like it’s time to take out a loan and hire professionals or get his drinking buddies to help.

    This is one of the unfortunate things about being married. If he’d finished as he probably originally planned he wouldn’t have this problem. Now he has to deal with the fallout of not being done.

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