So I was having sex with my friend. She usually enjoys it and has one PiV orgasm.

Last time, she kept asking me to go deeper. She’d also tented. I somehow noticed that I could lean forward and put my chin above her forehead whilst going fast caused her to go wild. She ended up having multiple orgasms in quick succession and was grinning ear to ear.

Can anyone help me analyse what happened here so I can recreate it?

  1. Hard to say when we weren’t there. Best thing to do is ask her and figure it out together.

    Ask her what exactly was so good about it, and just try some stuff till you find the right position/technique.

    You don’t have to be naturally perfect at sex. Experimenting is great and can be a lot of fun.

  2. This sounds like you found the CAT. Withyour chin at her forehead it suggests you were higher up her hips. That drags the shaft over her clit more solidly. It’s like a bow drawing over a Cello.

  3. That angle would probably push you into her posterior fornix. For some women that is an even stronger trigger than their clit.

    Since that worked, take a crack at the anterior fornix. Lean back like you are trying to target her g-spot only go as deep as you can.

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