as i see a lot of reddit topics for cut off gas etc from russia in europe, im wanna understand how much prices is there for casual civilians are. for thoose who think russia will lose a lot just keep in mind many places at siberia and far east dont have that at all. also my local price for me at far east of russia now is close to 2.5$ for 1m3

  1. In February before the war I paid about €2.70 per cubic meter. The bill gets broken down into multiple components such as a subscription fee and tax. The price for raw gas alone was €0.68. The gas company took the opportunity to raise the distrubution fee along with the gas price.

    The bill for the current period hasn’t arrived yet. I’m scared to look at it. It will come next year.

    The price of electricity hurts much more. They basically take the gas convert into electricy and throw away half of the heat. AND while gas plants are operating, hydropower is sold for the same price. It is really sad. Cooking is still more efficient with gas because the waste heat warms the kitchen, and only a part of the bill is per kWh. (1 m³ of gas = 10 kWh)

  2. I don’t, nor do most other Finns. We don’t really use gas.

    The domestic use gas network is extremely limited. Practically it’s only used for cooking in a few neighborhoods and most even those areas use electricity instead. Practically gas is only used for some outdoor barbecues with bottles.

    It’s not used for heating since all the areas with gas piping have district heating and in the rest of the country outside of district heating people use a variety of other means for heating.

    Gas is used very little and practically only in industry, and generally even that can use oil or other means to fall back on as well.

  3. Last year’s prices after taxes and fees have been about 0.08€/kWh. Taxes and fees make up about 60% of the price.

    A single family home needs about 15,000-20,000 kWh per year for heating and warm water where I live. So that’s 1,200-1,600 €/a per family.

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