How would you feel if your partner bragged to their friends about your boobs/butt?

  1. I would be mortified that I’d been dating a 12 year old in disguise all this time, and run far away.

    Incredibly trashy.

  2. Proud that the twins are getting the recognition they deserve. I’ve no bunda to speak of but the ladies are my pride and joy.

  3. Ew. I don’t date people that do stuff like that. I’m a human not a collection of body parts.

    Edit: I am not unhappy with my body – I’m a gym rat – I don’t like being objectified. It’s hugely disrespectful to discuss my body like that.

  4. My partners brags about everything on me. I just roll my eyes because I am no 10 but my husbands definitely talks me up like I am. He doesn’t brag in a derogatory way but in a matter of fact way like ” oh yeah, buncatfarms has a nice butt. I like her butt” then he looks for me to grab said butt.

  5. I’d think it was incredibly out of character and ask him how he’d feel if I talked to my best friend about the size of his penis. There’s some things that a couple should keep to themselves out of respect for the other.

  6. Like what would they be saying? If my partner said “Those titties make so much milk, our baby is fat and chubby. Hell yeah!”, I would be so proud.

    But if it’s just based on looks, I’d have disdain. Like, bruh, I’m way more badass than how my body looks. In fact, how my body looks is one of the more boring things about me. Do better.

  7. I brag about the exquisitness of my titties all the time, it’s the least they could do.

  8. Like he’s now opening the door for them to objectify me. And that’s not cool with me.

  9. Depends on the exact phrasing, but I probably wouldn’t be pleased because I find that sort of behaviour really immature and gross.

  10. When I had pretty boobies, I would have hated it. Now that they’re old and impossibly long, I would have loved it!

    Edit: the same goes for my butt. Description and all.

  11. Then my partner clearly doesn’t respect me if he wants his friends to view me in that way. Those who say they wouldn’t mind clearly are looking for validation from others.

  12. I’d appreciate it, but the context is very important, and I only want to hear about it just a few times (if at all)

  13. instant confidence booster for me. i work my ass off in the gym to look good and i want it to be appreciated. it makes me feel good.

  14. Insecurity central right there. “Hey, in case you haven’t noticed how awesome MY WOMAN’s boobs and butt are, they are quite awesome but she’s MINE.”

    I have an ordinary butt and ordinary boobs, but I would be mortified by such behavior.

  15. i’m pretty insecure about my small boobs but i’m proud of how much muscle i’ve grown on my glutes – i would love for him to brag about me like that!

  16. I’d think it was gross and weird. He doesn’t need to be bragging about specific parts of my body to a bunch of other married 35-y.o.s. There’s a difference between general “my wife is beautiful” statements and being like, “Damn, dude, my wife’s ass is fat!”

  17. I’m cool with my partner bragging about my body, but not in an objectifying way. It’s hard to imagine bragging about boobs/butt in a way that’s not completely objectifying.


    But, like, the first time I met my wife’s friends, they were all like “OMG she DOES have great posture!” and that made me feel really good!

  18. My boobs and arse are phenomenal so it would only make sense for him to brag about them. I do, too.

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