So there is this new girl at work I’ve been crushing on, constantly reddit shamed me for it LOL

“you don’t REALLY like her YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER!”

Or, the ol “you only want sex!”

She is also 18, so I got told it was too young and so on.

Shes shy and awkward just like me, today I found out she loves computers, video games, and has NO BOYFRIEND.

I keep being told to talk to her by like 4 different women that I know IRL. Now on reddit its a different story, I keep being told I’m evil, sick, disgusting, for wanting to date her.

Should I just ask her out or try to be friends with her first? I cant get a straight idea what to do cause tbh I’ve never been with a girl before…

Im posting here to see what kind of advice I get.. she seems inexperienced and stuff too just like me, I’m hoping maybe we may like be perfect for each other??? maybe?

idk what to do…

  1. How old are you? And why do they say it’s sick and disgusting? A lot of tv shows like the office show people getting into relationships with co workers I don’t understand what’s so bad about that, go with your heart man obviously if you’re over 30 you should probably just have a friendship with her first and wait til she makes a move. But who knows, could be the love of your life

  2. OP, to be honest, your post history is concerning. Are you sure what you need is a relationship right now?

    Also yes, I also think 25 is too old for an 18 yo

  3. The final decision should always be on you. If you really like her shoot ur shot but answer this question before you do. Are you willing to change or leave this job over her? Dating coworkers is always fine in the honeymoon stages but it’s hell when it goes left.

  4. This is Reddit, what are you expecting? only the most devout and morally just exist here supposedly while offline you see a lot of age gap relationships in your life and of course those are relationships that have reached the age of consent. Do what you want, are you a child? Or are you specifically waiting to be berated? knowing that you will be vilified, is pretty stupid to be honest to look for advice on here.

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