How did get over a pain that you thought would end you?

  1. Cognitive behavioural therapy with a psychiatrist that actually listens, burning bridges with people/environments that were harmful to my wellbeing or stability and time.

  2. Slept through it. Literally.
    Had a terrible breakup and realized I couldn’t feel sad if I was unconscious. Slept and slept and slept and one day enough time had passed that the sting went away.

  3. I had a bunch of aches and pains due to an early childhood hand injury. The doctors let me down on every Medical problem I had as a result of it.

    I quit wasting my time trying to talk to them and started using nutritional medicine

  4. Time. I haven’t gotten over it. I never will, and I don’t want to. But time has made the grief easier to live with.

  5. I endured , psychological pain into physical.
    It took a fair few months. (Bad break up)

  6. I’m not sure actually. Being realistic, telling myself the truth in my thoughts, forgiveness, compassion. Time has passed and I have healed. Also, no matter what I go through, I tell myself: Other people have been through way worse than this. I’m gonna be fine.

  7. Cbd and time.

    Post herpetic neuralgia from shingles is no joke. Months of burning needles down my arm with no guarantee that it would ever end.

  8. Mine was emotional pain that has never truly left since the situation is ongoing. I had to accept the situation. It was a gradual acceptance, lots of tears, and literally taking it minute by minute, hour by hour some days. When things get tough, I close my eyes and remind myself ‘take one more breath.’

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