What was your breaking point and how did you recover ?

  1. Doing a job i absolutely hated. I mean, deep in my core hate. It resulted in a mayor burnout, which took me a year to recover. But in that year, i’ve learned more about myself then in a lifetime.
    Now, i’m thankfull for this period of depression, anxiety, insecurity and pain. I needed to get through all that before i came home to myself.

    Now, i’m thriving

  2. By realising I’m in a dead end job, so I stepped up and got a uni degree, apply for diff jobs to which I now I enjoy.

  3. My breaking point was Covid when i had to homeschool and then had no way to get out of the house. I’m slowly recovering through therapy and getting back to life the best I can.

  4. Bf of the time broke up with me just when I was about to apply for a visa to move to him. By text, later found out he got back together with an old flame… anywho!

    I realised after the relocation plan failed, how much I hated the job I was in and how under appreciated I was there that I found a much better company that immediately paid me a third more than I was on. Trained me more so I could got so many more skills. It helped to ultimately get rid of my crippling anxiety.

    Definitely call it my epiphany moment once I got over the break up to really take my life into my own hands, I feel like such a better person than I was back then

  5. When my uncle died. He was like a father that I’ve never had and we were too close to each other. I lost him when we were all thinking he is going to be better and stay alive. after that I screwed my university entrance exam becomes depressed and tried to kill myself like 3 times. I still suffer from the depression part but time makes everything easier to accept.

  6. I was nearing the end of a tough 24 hour shift. I had been up most of the night with a very angry and violent 14 year old so I had been awake most of the 24 hour shift. But the kids in the home had finally kind of settled. No one was screaming, hitting or throwing anything anymore. I was in the living room with a five year old kid who was watching TV and babbling. We were sitting on the couch and he went to lie down kind of leaning his back and head on my thigh. My thigh was covered in cuts from before my shift and him leaning against them like that made me acutely aware of the contrast between my personal life where I was destroying myself and was basically a danger to myself, and my professional life where I was taking care of other people. Something wasn’t working.

    I haven’t recovered and my care team has started preparing me for the fact that I have to adjust my expectations for the kind of life I can have. But over the last three or so years I’ve done a lot of work on myself slowly inching closer to some level of function.

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