Hi everyone, I just wanted to talk to someone about this. I don’t know if my girlfriend (23)and I (23)are very lucky or I am infertile. We have been dating for 6 months and during the last 3 months we have not taken care of ourselves during sex. We used to use condoms but one day we stopped. I usually come out of her and that’s what we’ve been doing, but there have been times when I have come a little inside her, usually hers days of her infertility. We are happy because we were lucky and she didn’t get pregnant, and we are still deciding what kind of birth control to use. However, deep down I have doubted my fertility, currently I do not want children but it is something that I do want in my future, and lately I have thought a lot about it, the last time I came inside her a day before her period. I’m not sure if I’m very lucky or not fertile.

  1. Just get tested. Any urologist or a clinic like planned Parenthood can do what they call a sperm count. Call them up and ask what you need to do, probably just jerk off into a container and bring it in, they look at it under a microscope and give you the results.

    I’ve done this before after my vasectomy, the goal being zero sperm.

  2. Sounds like youre trying for a child its just in your subconsious and hasnt hit you yet.

  3. Maybe she’s the one with fertility issues?

    It’s unusual for her to be so casual about not using birth control.

  4. Absent other health factors/concerns, doctors usually won’t diagnose you as having a fertility problem unless you’ve been having unprotected sex for a year with no conception. Some people are ridiculously fertile, others have to work at it.

    Source: multiple visits to fertility doctors.

  5. It can take a healthy couple with perfect timing up to a year to get pregnant. Depending on age, there’s only about a 20% chance of conceiving each month.

    You also said it yourself, you usually pull out or it’s her non-fertile days. A baby cannot be made if there is no egg. Unless you have some medical issue that might make you think you could be infertile, I wouldn’t worry about it. And, infertile does not mean sterile, so even if you are, there could be ways to fix it.

    But despite what I said above, if you don’t want kids right now, stop having unprotected sex. Three months is nowhere near long enough to conclude you (or she) is infertile, so stop risking it because eventually it likely will happen.

  6. My bestfriend and her bf are 22 and they have been having unprotected sex for years- they use the pull out method and apparently just work around her ovulation days and they’ve been fine.

    She was worried about fertility so they both got tested and they are both perfectly fertile. I don’t know how she does it, but yeah sometimes you’re just lucky I guess?

  7. My husband and I had sex for years without any birth control except he would always pull out. I figured I must be infertile because I’d always heard the pull out method was not very effective against pregnancy. When we eventually decided to try for a baby, I got pregnant literally on the first try. (Trust when I say I was shocked!) I think pull out method is actually more effective than is commonly believed.

  8. Stick to the tooter hole until you get a birth control plan sorted. Or at least make sure you’re damn quick on the draw if you gonna spray & pray.

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