I’m 18F and I have a huge problem making friends as a girl. I’ve had issues with a large friend group as a kid and the girls were kinda two faced (they’d change sides a lot, sometimes I’d get bullied). I left the group eventually bc I didn’t wanna be around people who’d constantly shit talk me, gossip and they’d never really be happy for me. They weren’t all like that but most of them were.

I got into college and so my social group expanded but nothing really changed, it felt like I was w the same kind of people. I’ve tried being nicer, more open, maybe take an interest in them and overall try to more approachable but nothing seems to work. Last week I went shopping and thought to compliment a girl and help her pick something out and I exchanged instagrams with her and she even said bye to me when she walked out of the store a while later but I never heard back from her.

I suffer from this and it kinda sucks to not be able to have a single friends who I think is cool and I like them as much as they like me. I’ve had friends before in the past, they’ve been good but it’s always felt like I was a therapy dog or something for people who just didn’t have anything interesting about them or just genuinely seemed like oddballs I had nothing in common with.

Sometimes I go with the logic of yeah I’m too intimidating and I’m too pretty and most guys talk to me bc they wanna sleep with me and other girls kinda shit talk me because they’re jealous but I don’t wanna take the narcissistic approach because it just doesn’t seem right

I wanna know how I can make friends with girls I have stuff in common with, I think they’re cool and they actually have a solid friendship with me as well.

  1. Im a girl and feel like other girls dislike me, but dont know why, I have zero female friends

  2. Honestly how you talk about women is probably why you don’t have friends who are women.

  3. I think all I can add to this is that it is the same for guys and as a guy can say I’m in the same spot as you. And it’s been this way since I could remember.

  4. You say you can’t find people with “anything interesting about them”. Is there any chance people feel the same way about you? You sound very conceited, and maybe your attempts at “being nicer” felt really fake.

    Try instead to be yourself. Go to events you enjoy doing (on campus events are a great place for this!) and strike up a conversation with other attendees. You instantly will have something in common which will make bonding slightly easier.

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