So long story short I was online doing some swiping, and I saw a woman liked me. I didn’t really look at her whole profile, but I did notice how she said she was looking for a man who’s physically fit. I swiped, as I thought she had a cute face and I’m in good shape so I figured we had something in common. After a few msgs we started asking each other questions while it was slow at work. It had picked up for a bit so I waited till it got slow to log back on. We picked up where we left off and it was going good…until I asked her one small question. She had asked quite a few specific questions(height, what do I do for work,etc) and I have nothing to hide so I answered truthfully. I decided to read more about her and noticed she only had 3 pictures, they were all of her face or like a close up of one side, so jokingly I asked what she was built like and she freaked out! I really asked in a light-hearted way and even put an lol at the end and she got hostile, “like a bus! goodbye!” Like damn! Mind you, this woman is 28yo and instantly gave me a reply you would expect from a child and then unmatched me🤦🏽‍♂️ I answered every question she asked with honesty but when I ask one simple question I get snapped at? I asked my female coworkers their opinions and they *both* said I was wrong for asking that? I have been asked all types of personal questions and I never dodged or lied about me being tall or fit, I have current pictures to show I am who I say I am and yet I’m still the asshole for asking a similar question? I didn’t ask her weight or like her measurements or some shit she could have been vague as she wanted to and I get called *shallow* for just trying to know more about the person I’m talking to? The bartender said I was wrong for asking her that and the server said I’m cringe and if she was in my shoes she would just meet the person instead of trying to learn more? Am I wrong here? I only asked so I know what I’m dealing with, I’m not going to waste someone’s time if I’m not attracted to them. Is that not considerate to the other person’s time? What do you guys think?

  1. You met a jerk or a profoundly insecure person.

    People have preferences about physical appearance, we mostly can’t switch that off. Including at least one full length recent picture that shows someone’s body shape is good basic strategy for being on a dating app.

    Why would I want to match with people who don’t find me attractive?

  2. Just saved time. If they don’t show their body, usually overweight.

    Just not what you’re looking for, move on

  3. The old face pics and no full body pics.. that’s a straight up give alway that she is big as 💩. U did nothing wrong u asked a standard question that she just will not come to terms with. Hopefully she gets on a diet and hits the gym..

  4. The term built like is often used, and I’m guessing that’s how she and the two coworkers took it as what are your measurments.
    Which you agreed would be rude.
    So from her point of view she was justified to be pissed.
    She should have asked something along the lines of…
    Built? What do you mean…like my measurments? My weight?
    Which would have led to a better understanding.

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