I’m debating. There is an 8 year difference. In my situation, this is in Food and Beverage, so the culture is everyone flirting with everybody. We have pretty fun and natural conversations and she isnt very subtle. Not sure what to do.

  1. What are you thinking? Are far as dating I find young 20’s Vs late twenties to be a really big difference. You grow and change a lot in your 20’s

    I mean if you just want to hook up then it’s fine you’re both adults.

  2. I’m down for it.

    Nothing wrong with that in my eyes, especially since she’s the one that’s initiating. The age gap is no problem.

    AT WORK IS THE PROBLEM, don’t shit where you eat. Especially if you’re in close proximity.

  3. Older men and younger women have always found each other attractive. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. If this dude has any type of brain activity going on, he’ll use critical thinking skills to avoid you completely. Men should flit with or date women they work with. Unless you don’t give a fuck about your job it’s not worth it.

    An eight year difference is nothing for me. It doesn’t matter if you’re dating a 21 or 31 year old as a man. Your role is still the same!

  4. Note that Reddit hates coworkers dating, so keep that bias in mind with any replies you get.

    As for the age difference, you’re adults (both young ones at that), so no issue if you want to pursue it, just be aware that she will change a LOT over the next 5 or 6 years, bit in the way she acts and what she wants from life and a relationship, so on that basis, proceed with caution. As an aside, I’d also say that IMO 28 isn’t as old as it used to be either. I know plenty of 30+ year old men who still have growing up to do.

  5. I don’t entertain any type of relationship with coworkers but others do it all the time. So do what you want instead of strangers recommend.

  6. I’m not even 25 and I wouldn’t date someone who is 20. I don’t drink often, but it would be awkward as fuck to literally date someone who can’t even legally have a drink.

    On another note don’t date a coworker unless you don’t care about your job and are prepared to have to find something else. As the saying goes it’s a bad idea to shit where you eat.

  7. “Ew, get away from me child. Shouldn’t you be in school?”

    Also, dating people you work with is very unprofessional. I’d avoid it for that reason alone.

  8. Dont flirt back and say thats not okay in work, i dont want to get fired and arrested for innapropriate behavior.

  9. If it’s just a bullshit job go for it. My policy is don’t shit where you eat but the caveat is bullshit jobs that you can replace easily.

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