What’s the best “you can do it, I am here with you” type of uplifting phrase or action you want your partner to cheer you up with?

  1. – “You got this”.

    – “Go get ’em babe”.

    – “So what if it doesn’t work?”

    – “Go for the eyes honey!!!”

  2. My impostor syndrome comes at me *hard* sometimes, so I like to be reminded/assured that I’m capable.

  3. “You’re a strong cookie.” has been my favourite line of his. Mostly just reminding me that I’ve been through worse and to let me vent when I need to.

  4. Husband here. My wife is a badass with a ton of stuff on her plate right now. One thing I do is remind her of all the times in the past when she was overworked, overwhelmed, breaking down and feeling hopeless, and how she got through it every single time. This time will be no different. It might suck now, but it has sucked before, and you’re even stronger now than you were then.

  5. Mannnn, I love it when my man says “I believe in you baby” and when I tell him okay, I’m gunna work on my project he says “that’s my girl”

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