I’ll turn 30 soon , my dad passed away two years ago. I was on a call with my sister and she was talking about dad. After I finished the call I went for lunch and preferred to be alone. While mulling I realised no one ever asked me “hey senju\_bandit how are you doing since …”. Its like I’ve just taken my dads place and have been solving problems he used to. I also had a break up around the same time my dad passed and never had a relationship since.

I do love my family and honest to god I dont think I’ve even felt felt the kind of grief my sisters or brother have shown or gone through but thats another discussion.

My point is I dont begrudge my family or anything . But it just that this thought made me feel very weird like I havent felt ever. Like it hit me in a very weird place and I feel “alone” maybe I dont know. I just thought I’d put it out there.

  1. my dad died a little over a year ago. none of my family asked me that since the funeral. my friends did, though, and my wife talked through it pretty thoroughly with me (her dad died a month later, in fact).

  2. I lost my father fairly young, but still remember him well enough. Lately my ma’s seemingly figured enough time has passed to start bashing him, which kinda sucks, but he was always a good dad in my eyes.

    So… how *are* you doing?

    From what little you mentioned, it seems like you’re filling his shoes in some respects. That’s pretty admirable, and I’m sure it’s not easy.

  3. My dad passed a month ago. It sucks, i have two young children who keep me so busy i barely have time to think about it

    Mostly I’m sad that they will never know him.

  4. > . Its like I’ve just taken my dads place and have been solving problems he used to.

    I remember at my dad’s funeral my aunt just turning to me and saying, “You understand that you’re the patriarch now, right?”

    “Patriarch” had always seemed like such an old, outdated concept…right up until that moment. Since then it’s been serious business.

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