If you had the ability to create anything from thin air, how would you use this power?

  1. I think I would do something for the good cause like create medicine against cancer or food for the hungry people.

  2. Use them for good for about a week before getting bored and just cause some mayhem once in a while for people who I subjectively thought deserved it.

  3. I’d create a selective black hole; one that sucks in the unnecessary (and only the unnecessary) red tape found in modern life, thereby enabling us to make progress and get on with life.

    It might also suck in all the unscrupulous lawyers who seem intent on turning the world into an increasingly litigious place.

  4. Lightning, because it would be cool, I’d probably use it to kick start fusion reactors and power plants, or just blast stuff apart for fun.

  5. I mean after I made enough gold for 10 generations, I’d make something else.

    I’d find the most expensive materials and make them for 50% cheaper.

  6. I would create machines that create things out of thin air, then rent them out for huge licensing fees, but it would still be cheaper than actually manufacturing them.

    I will be richer than Musk, Bezos, Gates and Putin combined. Not that it will matter, because I can create things out of thin air anyway.

    So I will just live my life somewhere, and keep low profile, so governments or organized crime syndicates won’t kidnap me for experiments.

  7. Honestly I’d use it to get rare metals and sell them for money. Then buy land and make a house and fill it with everything I need and want.

  8. Besides never having to pay for food again, and after spending a day or so accruing the funds to cover me for the rest of my life, I’d build a website where people can submit requests for things they need or want. Stuff like gifts for their kids or medication they can’t afford. Might have to conjure up a few delivery planes or box trucks to help with it, but with my limitless money I shouldn’t have too difficult a time finding delivery drivers.

  9. I’d create limitless refined uranium and start taking over the power grid with cheap nuclear energy.

  10. Feed the world, house the world, clean the oceans, air, and restore the forests…and go down in history as the greatest man who’s ever lived!

  11. Probably be a magician but keep the power secret and only do tricks that are just one step above the current best magic tricks.

  12. I’d create eldritch horrors and send them after the disgustingly rich. They wouldn’t kill, but they would just follow and list all the sins those fucks committed to get rich. They would be tireless and invulnerable and the only way to get rid of them is to give your wealth away until you are below the median national income.

  13. Well…

    I’d conquer the world, I guess. That’s a pretty open ended super power right there.

  14. I’d create an omniscient robot that flew around and destroyed anyone hurting innocent people. Then I’d create machines that would travel around giving food and water to those in need. Then I’d start using it for selfish crap.

  15. If I could use it in reverse. I’d cheat on tests that I need to pass. But other than that I’d make my room look better, get me money and finally a house for me to live in

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