What’s weighing on your mind?

  1. Nothing at the moment.

    I’m attending my uncle’s wedding tonight then my wife and I are going on vacation all next week. I’m feeling pretty content.

  2. Boredom. Don’t know what to do.

    Hate being single too. I’ve been alone for too long, I’m not desperate or anything but I hate how so far I’ve only found more incompatible women than good ones.

    I’m only 20 as well

  3. I wonder if I’m in a good spot in life.

    I think I am, I have savings and an actually good career. Though I still live with my parents, then again that’s because shit’s way too expensive right now.

    No girlfriend, but I’m cool being single, I was in a real shit relationship that wrecked me.

    Fat, but am losing weight.

    So idk, maybe I’m certainly not doing as absolute the best I can, but I’m certainly doing alright.

    I’m not super disciplined, but I can do stuff if I have to.

  4. My best dog’s age. He’s old as hell but I’m noticing it more now with his weight loss. But he’s been a good boy for 18 years so hoping for a few more at least.

  5. Whether I’ll ever be able to live on my own. Current housing costs are keeping that dream well out of reach.

  6. I had an interaction with a family of Ukrainian refugees today. They fled from Kiew and were about to reach their destination (a refugee camp not too far from where we were) after 4 continuous days of travel. They spoke russian and, luckily for them, so do I, so I helped them figure out what bus station they needed to go to and helped them carry some luggage a bit. They were a family of 5: mother, father, son and daughter (in I’m guessing their late teen years) and (I assume) the mother’s sister.

    They had a dog with them named Runa. They had found her abandoned in the turmoil of people trying to leave the country and decided they couldn’t leave her like that. She was happy to be petted but she was shaking nervously a bunch. I exchanged numbers with the father (named Vladimir) and answered some questions about what could await him here.

    They seemed in decent spirits given the horrible circumstances (trying to crack some jokes and make the best of their situation) but you could clearly tell all this had taken a toll on them. Especially Vladimir, who was clearly trying to hold it together for himself but especially for his family.

    I didn’t even see anything terrible or whatever but just being unexpectedly confronted with such an abrupt insight into these people’s situation kind of shook me up for at least an hour.

    This is not helped by the fact my parents are ride or die hardcore Putin stans who would gladly jump to his defense, even if he broadcast a video of him decapitating kittens, so you can imagine how they feel about this war. It’s my dad’s birthday in two days, meaning there will be alcohol consumed and politics could creep up as a topic and I’m not 100% certain I’ll be able to contain myself.

  7. Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink, I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, they might be out of work and all their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself “It’s better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”

  8. The emptiness and futility of life. We fill in that void and distract ourselves with busy tasks, friends, love, and sex.

  9. Knowing I will never be able go achieve my life dreams because of anxiety and OCD from Aspergers. I’m far behind where I should be career wise, and I don’t know what to do. Really just no sense of purpose in life.

  10. I suspect I’ll self delete in the next 5-10 years.

    I genuinely believe in all my heart we (the western world) are free falling into very, very dark times (think authoritarian surveilance state like China) and I want no part in them.

    It’s strange, I’ve been depressed and wanted to self delete because of that. But this is very different.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I see society taking 5 steps back for every 1 it takes forward and I don’t see how we can change it

  11. That I’m never going to get my due and I’ll never get what I want. So many times in my life I’ve watched brown nosers, imbeciles and sycophants be promoted over me. And I just keep getting older and I know the door is shutting on many of the things I’ve wanted to achieve and feel I’m my life. I struggle so much with feelings of bitterness and resentfulness. I’ve worked hard my whole life and I’ve always followed the rules and been kind and pleasant and it’s gotten me nowhere professionally and financially.

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