If no, is that difficult for you two to cope with? Do you feel a sense of longing when you see younger/hotter women?

If yes, were you capable of being attracted to 45+ women in your younger days?

  1. Is this assuming he is also around 45? Because our attractions typically age up as we do unless he’s been watching barely legal porn and staring at girls in the mall.
    If a 45 year old man doesn’t find 45 year old women attractive, that’s a him problem. He needs to figure that out.

  2. One of my partners is around that age. I’m around a decade younger. I am physically attracted to her, and find her exceptionally good looking and sexy. It’s rare for me to date older. I usually date same age or younger. And I’m nonmonogamous because I don’t want to settle for “longing”.

  3. Of course some younger women that are hot I find attractive. I think anyone who says they aren’t are lying lol. But It’s not like just because a woman gets to a certain age she’;s not attractive anymore. There are a ton of women older than me that I find very attractive. It mainly comes down to if they make effort to keep themselves up. Plenty of young 25 or so year old women who don’t make any effort and wear pajama pants out in public and thats not attractive. At least not to me.

  4. My wife (52) is hotter than ever, even 28 years later. Her body has changed after children and natural aging processes, but I’m still physically/sexually attracted to her. Just as much as when we were dating.

    I don’t long for younger or hotter women. Seeing someone attractive and being attracted to them are too very different things. There are seven different types of attraction and physical appearance is only one of them. My wife checks all seven boxes for me. Which explains why no one else can measure up to her.

  5. My wife is 44 and I can’t keep my hands off of her.

    We get away once a month just the 2 of us for what we call “sex vacations”.

    When you are madly in love with someone, whatever you found cute to begin with is greatly magnified.

  6. Married 25 years. Both 50 years old.

    Do I still find my wife physically attractive? Yes, absolutely. She definitely is showing her age in places (as am I), such as under her chin and on the sides of her mouth, and she has some prominent gray streaks in her hair now, but otherwise she looks great for her age. She works out regularly and has stayed trim, which makes a big difference. I’m thankful for that. My wife has had a string of abdominal surgeries over the years (endometriosis, c-section, hysterectomy) that makes it look like she’s lost a knife fight, but that doesn’t really bother me. I think women underestimate how excited men get by just looking at a vagina. And the great thing there is I don’t think pussy’s age. I’m pretty sure a 25 year old pussy looks just like a 50 year old pussy.

    One of the things that makes 40+ women so sexually attractive to me is my assumption that they are sexually experienced and self-confident. They know what they want and how to make themselves cum. They want sex because of how it makes themselves feel, not because they think that’s what some man expects. Younger women may be more physically attractive, but they’re often more clumsy and self conscious, and more often than not putting on a show. (Note: my wife is NOT sexually experienced and self-confident. My impressions come mainly from what I read.)

    Do I find younger women attractive? Of course. I don’t think that will ever change. Most of the hot women I see are at the gym. As I get older, I’m particularly attracted to sexual vibes that some women put out, rather than straightforward beauty. For instance, I might see a woman at the gym who is at best average looking in the face, but she puts off this wild sexual energy. She’s super fit, wearing tiny shorts and a sports bra. She has a tasteful floral motif tattoo running all the way up one arm. She’s wearing a baseball cap pulled down low on her brow. And she’s doing deadlifts with real weight, perfect form and chalked up hands. I look over at her and I’m thinking, “That woman fucks!” If you get that woman in the bedroom, she is going to shove her tongue down your throat and then sit on your face. Do I know that for a fact? Nope, but I’m pretty sure. She’s not going to insist on lying together for half an hour rubbing each other’s backs the way my wife does.

  7. Yes 100% she still looks like she did when we were younger. Married 32 years, she’s my wife I don’t judge my wife in weight or wrinkles because she’s my wife and mother of my children.

  8. Both early 50s and married a long time. I find my wife incredibly attractive. I tell her every day she’s beautiful, hot, sexy, etc.

    Here’s the other thing. When I tell her those things she disagrees with me and that stinks. Different conversation though.

    I feel like I find women in general attractive. Sometimes they are older or younger or taller or shorter or thinner or thicker.

  9. We’re not quite at 45 but are getting close so I’ll chime in.

    I am extremely attracted to my wife, both in a wholesome “she’s so pretty” kind of way and in more primal, lusty way. I smugly enjoy knowing that a lot of people must think “he’s done well for himself” when they see us together.

  10. I wonder if women with 45+ husband’s are still attracted to their husbands. They have aged too. This playboy trope of men being so desirable even in their old age is really getting tiresome. Fertile young women probably want to date more in their age bracket. 50+ year old men are crazy if they think it’s a good age to start having babies with a woman.

  11. I have a daughter who is 27 going on 28. The very idea of finding younger women “hotter” feels very pedo to me. They look way to young than when I was actually their age. My wife is 44 now and still a smoke show in my eyes! My sexual drive for her has never waned. I find her even more attractive with age, and even though she doesn’t believe me, the few extra pounds she has put on have made her even hotter!

  12. DEFINITELY. If not more than before. No I was not into older women when I was young. As I’ve gotten older I find older women attractive. Still attracted to young women too.

  13. Both 55. Sure, both our bodies have changed, but she is desirable to me as ever.

    Longing for other women? No. Between having a grown daughter and working primarily with women I have a pretty good ability to see other women as just people.

    I don’t recall being attracted to women significantly older than me when I was young.

  14. Men in their mid to late 40’s can lust after young women all day but unless they’re George Clooney handsome or fabulously wealthy no young woman is going to lust after them..

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