For more than a year, I’ve been working exclusively on weekends, because it fits my weekly “student” schedule, but at the same time, I do feel like I am sacrificing a lot in terms of social life. Everything remotely “fun” happens on weekends…

  1. I did it for a year and a half, working late Saturdays sucked particularly bad. I didn’t cope really I just did it and accepted it was the compromise I had to make for the paycheck.

  2. I don’t do any of that stuff to begin with, so it doesn’t matter to me. Almost all of my time outside of work is spent alone.

  3. If I don’t work I just sit around the house so at least this way I can be productive.

  4. I did that all through college. I didn’t get the fun experience, but I also didn’t have to deal with the student debt experience afterwards. Trying to keep up with the trust fund kids and those deeply in debt to live temporarily care free would come back to bite you. I always planned to do more when I got out of school and got a better schedule but my career took me out to a town that doesn’t have a lot going on and is devoid of the young single professionals demographic. So social opportunities have been extremely limited. But I’m pretty free to do my own thing, both financially and with time.

  5. Get your heart broken and then all you want to do is work and get your mind off it!

  6. Well, I have my “weekends” after work, just beer and some games in bluestacks on pc. You know, a person can get used to anything, so I got used to it.

  7. I didn’t like it, so I got a job where I get weekends off. Or I made my own fun during the week. Went to trivia or yoga at my local brewery, I ride my bike, go on runs, swim, etc.

  8. I wouldn’t go to those things anyways. On my days off usually I sit at home most of the day

  9. I “cope” with it by having more than double the free time people working weeks have while getting the same paycheck

    If youre a social butterfly maybe thats not good enough but in my book the less time you waste slaving away the better your life is

  10. Well, with mine I was beyond the going out and getting drunk on the weekends stage of my life so that wasn’t a huge issue. It was nice because I worked three days and had four off. It was nice having an excuse to get out of stuff on the weekends.

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