We’ve talked it over a lot face to face in text but she’s been hurt before by a guy who used her. She doesn’t want me to feel the same way but I really want it not because I’m horny but because I want to feel more connected to her. She wants to be more connected too but no matter what I do she still feels like I’ll end up getting hurt. She sadly doesn’t care too much about herself or how others see her. She only really cares how I feel which is great but I know and I am trying to get her to love herself a little more. She doesn’t trust herself with hardly anything which is so sad and it’s breaking my damn heart.

So I would once again ask what is a way that I can help her see her true value and become less scared about hurting me with sex?

1 comment
  1. I truly think she needs therapy because it’s concerning that she doesn’t care about herself in these conversations. I suggest just keep having the same conversation over and over but make it to where its you just reminding her that if you both want to have sex, you trust each other enough (especially you trusting her) to be vulnerable together. The more you guys have sex the easier it will be to trust in that department. You guys can build bonds. I would say don’t push the subject but remind her of what you know is true (that you guys can share love with each other and not be hurt because you communicate)

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