tl;dr I just want to be more sociable and not radiate NPC energy to my s/o.

Okay help idk how to converse properly with someone, I tend to be so awkward whenever I chat with someone I like so much than my friends hebdjdkkd

its just… It’s been a while though (perhaps hours) and idk what to start a convo to be honest, Im not good initiating conversations and I would feel im just a boring person and a bother. I usually say random shit and he’s just confused. Yes I am a straightforward person and idk if that’s really bad. Well I’m bad at lying anyways bc I would feel like shit if I did so.

He’s really nice but yeah at the same time I feel i am ghosting him too My humor isn’t really good and so does my social skills on others irl. I tend to ask help with my close friend and all that they say is “be yourself”. I tried to do it and it ended up as a disaster, I ended up a bit loud and later too quiet on our first and last date/meet-up. Now I began to think I’m too weird for a dude like him.

Also ik he had work in his end but i want to reciprocrate the stuff that he did for me without making it weird, either by material or affection. I also want to make this relationship longer anyways :(((

1 comment
  1. You probably have social anxiety. Just try exposure therapy. It’s not easy but just force yourself to go out and talk to random people. Eventually conversations with random people in person will become totally natural and just flow.

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