I (18M) have been friends with this girl for a while now, and we have become very close, flirting occasionally. I am very open about my sexual orientation, and she knows I am single. She often talks about other men in front of me, asking if I find them attractive or not. She also sends videos of men on TikTok, asking if I find them attractive. Is she treating me as just a friend who also likes men or am I missing a hint? She often talks about men she likes to her friends, and my name has not been mentioned so far, although I am one of her closest friends now as I talk to her very regularly. Is there still a chance she likes me? She is often affectionate in text and very flirtatious, but I am too scared to confess.
TLDR: I have a crush on a girl who might only consider me to be her gay best friend, despite being bisexual

  1. Well, does she talk about her love interests with you? If so… you’ve been *zoned*

    If not, ask her out

  2. Maybe she feels open with you, maybe she feels you can appreciate the same sex together?

    I’m not gay, but I can appreciate a good looking dude. Sometimes me and my girlfriend will sit on a patio and check dudes and girls out and talk about them. It sometimes even makes her horny and turned on because i think the confidence and lack off jeslousy makes he feel comfoetable talking with me – its kinda weird but hey… whatever!

    So it doesn’t mean you are gayzoned. If you arnt getting the response you want for him it’s because you are being insecure, platonic and unattractive to her in some way.

  3. You like her? Ask her out. Just to test the water.

    You may end up just being friends again. But nothing to lose, imo.

    ETA: She may have friendzoned you thou. So be prepare she may say ‘no’ if you do ask her out.

  4. Hi. Well, there’s no harm in trying. Just give her subtle hints. Or confess. If she’s into you, then cool. If she’s not, that is okay too. There’s no shame in that. At least you’ve tried and not wondering, “if only..”

  5. Are you sure you‘re flirting? Sounds like she‘s not into you and sees you as a friend.

  6. You have been “zoned” in some fashion or another. It’s not clear whether your bisexuality is related, or if she’s just not feeling you. Or heck, you might be reading the situation wrong.

    For all these reasons, I do think you should ask her out. Tell her you think the two of you might be a good couple, and you want to give it a shot. At least you’ll know, right?

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