“If you love someone, tell them. And
don’t just tell them once. Remind
them constantly. Hug your people.
Stop scrolling for a minute & look
around you. Tomorrow is never
guaranteed. The only moment
promised is this very single second.
Don’t miss it. “

Question: I wrote this the other day and was wanting to post it on social media. I’ve been sick for the past 6 months so I’ve been thinking a lot about life and making the most of it. Would reading this posted from a friend make you “think”? (that’s the goal) or would it make you worried for me? (not the goal).

What would your impression be if a friend posted this?

  1. Well it honestly sounded like they were in pain typing that, as if something was lost and wouldn’t be found again.
    As a bad option, or negative response.
    A good option or response is idk really depends on the person or something, with that exact text sent either while I’m a conversation or talking and sending it really matters ( atleast I think it does)

  2. I don’t think that’s worrying at all. It sounds like you’re just having a deep thought and wanted to share.
    Unless maybe you’ve tried to hurt yourself in the past but I feel like that would be really reading into it.

  3. Reading something like this would definitely make me worry if we were close, and I might want to reach out. If we’re not that close I’d just think “yeah, true”

  4. Honestly, my impression would be that this person is preachy. From a writing standpoint, a more effective message would be talking about how you feel like doing that, not telling other people how to feel and what to do.

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