In your opinion, which movie do you think deserves the title of “manliest movie ever” and why?

  1. Spiderman 2. It’s about giving yourself up for the greater good or sacrificing ego for the I’d.

  2. Conan the Barbarian (1982)

    Why? I guess you haven’t seen it then but it’s kinda obvious. That movie is just overflowing with testosterone! (and probably trenbolone too but whatever)

  3. many Schwarzenegger movies mentioned, so nearly all of them except the comedies like Kindergarten Cop and Twins and even they are manlier than most others cause ‘men at times also ought to show their weak sides’

  4. True Grit.

    One time my wife brought home the movie “To Wong Foo …” and we watched it. I told her that the next movie we needed to watch was True Grit (John Wayne version).

    I felt the two offset one another quite nicely.

  5. Not movie, but I’m gonna nominate Daniel Day Lewis in “Last of the Mohicans” for manliest performance.

  6. Twilight Eclipse, the vampire werewolf team up battle was pure badassery. And then Jacob getting carried away by his Wolf Woes after the battle was heart wrenching yet also moving that they there was so much compassion and solidarity.

  7. LA Confidential. Action, crime, redemption, and exploration of what integrity means.

  8. Gladiator. Great general, fights through the arena to avenge the deaths of his family.

  9. Locke (2013) with Tom Hardy. Great movie, but I found it to be a reflection on masculinity and responsibility. Maybe not “manly” as it is all about Tom Hardy driving a car and phoning people while his life falls apart, but about masculinity as he puts someone weaker than himself and his idea of what is right before his own needs and the needs of those around him.

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