The town where I (29M) live and work in got a new family-friendly beverage spot (not going to go into too many specifics) last year.

I’ve been in a few times and one barista, maybe 22+ years of age was particularly nice to me. I said hi and how are you about three times, I remember in one visit she gave me an interesting look 👀 I don’t know how to describe it, but it was very direct at me.

So, seen her three times on the third time I gave her my name and she gave hers. That was maybe 3-4 months ago and I just hadn’t been back in. Fast forward to today and I get to make a delivery to this drink place. She’s there, I remember her name and she remembers mine, she gives me a free beverage “on her”, asks how I’ve been and even why I haven’t been in the shop in a while. I tell her i’ll come by again soon.

Am I reading too much into this? I know it’s frowned upon to chat a girl up while she’s working.

  1. A free drink means something the rest i wouldnt say its neceserly means something. But a free drink yeah its like “i dont see you as a customer but something more…”

    In this case i would say “oh now i have to give you something would you like to somewhere else with me.” I guess that could be the intention.

  2. >and one barista, maybe 22+ years of age was particularly nice to me

    A server? Making small talk with a customer?

    That’s hard to believe….

  3. > she gives me a free beverage “on her”

    I don’t think bartenders do this often, or they’d go bankrupt. So, she must feel something special towards you.

  4. She gave you the eyes.

    She remembered your name.

    She gave you a free drink.

    She asked “where have you been, I’ve been looking for you”.

    She’s slow pitching for you over the plate. Be cool.

    Go back tomorrow. Maybe when it’s slower? You still won’t have much time, probably. When you’re standing there talking to her tell her that if she’s interested you’d like to meet her for coffee *not* at her job.

    Slide a piece of paper across the counter with your name and phone number already on it. Don’t use a business card, that’s impersonal. If you pull a slip of paper out of your pocket she’ll know you planned it ahead of time. She’ll know you’ve been thinking about her.

    Smile, say “I can’t wait to hear from you” and depart… casually.

    Remember to breathe & be cool.

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