Why look for love even if it’s possible to live a happy single life?

  1. You don’t have to. Some people like to, particularly if they have any intention of procreating. Finding someone you can achieve things with that you couldn’t otherwise do alone is a core part of good relationships, whether that’s friends or romantic relationships.

  2. A happy single life is safe, but it will never beat a loving relationship. Relationships come with highs and lows. But in the end, when it’s good it’s worth it.

  3. You do you, but its obvious why people look for love.

    “and when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?”

    ― Charles Bukowski

  4. I’m one of the few men that stopepd looking for love because I couldn’t find any. Every single attempt at finding a partner failed miserably. My single life is not happy but giving up was better for me than failing all the time.

  5. Human beings are social creatures. Isolated and lonely life doesn’t suit us at all and it does a lot of damage to our mental health

  6. I prefer to be in a relationship. It’s a lot of work on my self but to me is worth the effort.

  7. It’s not possible to be completely fulfilled without a romantic partner in your life.

    You can live a happy single life in the same way that you can live a happy life with no hands, but there’s still something important missing. Something you envy other people for.

  8. You don’t ‘look’ for it, it just happens when you’re around the right people.

    Going looking for it is what creates bitter losers on the internet as they needlessly put themselves through countless rejections and multiple toxic relationships.

  9. I live a happy single life, truly do. Sometimes I miss company, but the grass is always greener on the other side. And all things considered, either I fell in love with an awesome, or it’s not worth it.

  10. No. It is not natural to live a single life, particularly if you’re past your 30s and below 60s.

    It is natural for us to cohabit and produce children, take care of each other etc.

    However, happiness is a combination of various other factors too like health, well being, job satisfaction etc.

    Many would say otherwise, but truth is that it is always better to be in a relationship if you’re mature enough. But finding a proper partner is another deal.

    Happiness is about balance.

  11. Because men and women are better together. We compliment each other. The problem is countries like USA and the UK. It’s harder to find women who will compliment you because they want to be modern while we stay traditional. Not how this shit works

  12. Unfortunately, disabling the feeling of love isn’t as simple as disabling WiFi on my phone.

  13. people are, for the most part, social creatures. We yearn for company and companionship. Without a certain level of maturity, it drives some into bad relationships that a more level head wouldn’t have entertained, but we simply like having someone there. It’s fulfilling to be in a healthy and loving relationship.

  14. Acho que seja uma necessidade biológica
    Não dá pra lutar com algo que é normal

  15. Being alone and having a family both have positives and negatives, it comes down to how much value you attribute to each.

    Ultimately it should be said that there are good and bad relationships as well.

    Bad relationships inherently make your life worse, so you’re better off alone.

    Good relationships are defined by the fact that they make your life better, and thus; are better than isolation.

  16. It’s possible to live without LOTS of things. Happy is a spectrum and happy is not a good benchmark for life. Humans crave purpose and human love. Building relationships provides both. A spouse is the closest relationship available and the most intimate. So, that would be the best option for a human to feel loved and have purpose.

    If you want to be single, be single. No one will fight you over it. It’s your call.

  17. Sometimes you think you want X when really all you needed was Y. Everyone has a variety of different needs and wants.

    I enjoy being single, but I also recognize that being in a good relationship can be a powerfully emotional experience.

  18. Its possible to be happy, single and looking (even if just passively), but not happy, single and never looking for the rest of your life.

  19. A single life can be happy, sure. Love is just something extra.
    It’s not necessary, but it’s nice, especially if you find a quality woman.

    If you don’t find a quality woman, it might destroy and cost everything. I.e. there’s some risk to it and it’s wise to go in slowly and be ready to leave if it’s not working out.

    For people that can’t seem to find good women, I tell them to look at other countries and cultures.

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