I’ve had a pretty low libido as long as i can remember, and never enjoyed sex even though i had frequent sex with my partners (why you ask?because they really enjoyed it i did it for them) and just thought i was probably asexual. But a few months ago I quit taking birthcontrol because I thought they’re the reason I started having anxiety.

Funny thing happened about a week after I quit the pill. I started to feel some nice feelings down there.

Took me a while to figure out what was happening, but I’ve since realized what i was feeling is horny. It started happening somehow when I was sitting normally on a chair and my vagina rubbed the chair when I moved a bit forward and backward and that felt good, so I kept making that movement a bit. I went from there to actually masturbating.

But I’m not getting there. It’s kind of frustrating.

Everytime I’m in the mood and I start masturbating I get to a point really really quick where I imagine I’m getting extremely close to getting a orgasm, it’s a really nice warm feeling and just amazing I can’t even describe it.

This feeling comes with both my gspot and clit.

But the feeling is so short, like not even a minute and then suddenly the extreme nice feeling goes to bad, like when someone keeps tickling you and you cant stop them and they keep tickling you.

And then I just get turned of right away and have to quit masturbaring because I’m no longer enjoying it.

My clit however does feel like it’s pulsing for about 5 or 10 minutes after I quit.

Does that make any sense to anyone what I’m trying to describe?

How do I keep having the extreme nice feeling that I think leads to a orgasm and keep the most uncomfortable feeling away?

  1. You might actually be orgasming. The pulsing aspect hints at it. However orgasms can be super short and sometimes leave you over sensitive or with the dreaded post-nut clarity, which don’t feel good.

    I can’t give universal advice, but I can tell you what helps me.

    – Taking it slow. I can masturbate reeeeaaally quickly and go from “Mh – orgasm might be nice” to…well…orgasm in around 10 minutes or less, however the orgasm is a bit like you describe yours. Getting myself into the right headspace first, taking time for myself, foreplay, etc, really improves matters. The longer the buildup the better the final result usually.

    – Experimentation and going with moods. I’m not always in the mood for the same thing, so just reading my favourite erotica or throwing on my standard porn, will get me there, but not actually hit the spot. That might again, involve longer sessions until it’s just right, but worth it.

    – Toys. There are lots of toys out there of various price points and qualities. Experimenting with them is super fun. I have a small selection near the bed, because again, mood depends on the day.

    – Switch up the location. Some people really enjoy the bathtub or shower for example. Anything that feels good, is great.

    – Read (or watch) something with a sexy build up that slowly ramps things up, until you are reeeaally ready for the “big moment” and then start enjoying yourself.

    – Edging also works for ladies and can be very fun!

    – Multiple orgasms are a thing. Nothing says that because the first one was a disappointment, the second one needs to be. I do however need to be very randy to be in the mood for seconds personally. Otherwise I’m also too sensitive after the first one down below.

    – Some women have told me that their orgasms just aren’t that great, but the journey of getting there is awesome. You might be one of them. Might mean making the journey as awesome as possible.

    – Have a look at some of Hannah Witton’s content on YouTube, if you are interested. Her content specialises in all forms of sexual pleasure from a female perspective, including a lot on solo love. Might be informative.

  2. I don’t really have any advice but wanted to let you know that I feel the exact same way and it’s nice to hear my own experiences from someone else. I started out the exact way when working on masturbating and it’s still a journey that I’m going on, but I feel like my body and brain are finally starting to build up to the ‘magical’ O I’ve heard and dreamt so much about! I’d say just keep going, push yourself sometimes, and pay attention to your body’s reactions 🙂

  3. It sounds like a complete orgasm, to me. The xtreme nice feeling is it. Feels like just tipping over the edge. The feeling you feel afterwards is overstimulation, which can easily occur with external clit stimulation. Orgasms themselves don’t always last for long (seconds during less intense sessions) and can be of varying intensity, and it can take shorter or longer to get to that point depending on how turned on you are, what’s on your mind, how you’re feeling overall, how much stimulation you have in other exogenous zones, etc.

    When you feel overestimated, stop. Take a breather. You will likely be able to touch yourself a minute or two after. But, this mainly applies to external clits stim because your clit is literally right there. Internal stimulation can more easily allow for multiple orgasms. I’ve managed multiple orgasms with external stimulation before but it was by chance and rare. I can’t pin down what happened those times except that it was a mini orgasm followed by a full fledged orgasm. So yeah, if you want to enjoy yourself for longer and want to stick mainly to external stimulation, edge yourself.

  4. I kind of disagree with everyone saying here that it sounds like an orgasm. I think you might be grinding too hard, too fast and then over-stimulating yourself to the point where your clit taps out and can’t sustain anymore touch. This happens pretty frequently with women who go straight to something like a vibrator for example. It happens to me.

    If I’m still sort of ‘fresh’ in the arousal and I go straight to the vibrator, the first few moments feel ✨*amazing,*✨ but then after only a few moments it doesn’t feel as good. Almost painful. I can push through to an orgasm at that point but it oftentimes feels more like a reflexive orgasm due to stimulation rather than desire.

    The biggest giveaway for me that this might be happening for you is that you describe the pulsing afterwards. I feel something similar right in my clit when I’m over stimulated. It feels like sharp, rhythmic popping bubbles right in my clit. Definitely more of an exclusive electrical nerve sort of sensation, like when you bump your elbow. Orgasm and post orgasm feels much more like cresting waves of clenching that involves the whole pelvic floor. It also comes with a lot of euphoric feelings that doesn’t feel seperate from it, whereas the over stimulated clit will pop pop pop regardless of what I’m thinking or feeling.

    Instead, make some time to lay down and learn how to build up your arousal from point 0 instead of just stimulating when the mood strikes. That way by the time you’re at a comparable arousal level, you’ll have already been doing it for a stretch of time. Generally speaking a long build up will result in a more lengthy drawn out experience, and a quick build up will result in a quicker but more intense experience and when you’re working at learning your own personal stages, the drawn out experience will be more useful to you.

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