For example, I go downstairs to watch some tv so she can do her crafting in peace. She comes back downstairs a little bit later. So since the room upstairs is clear I go upstairs to go back to watching tv or playing the game. Anytime I do this, can be any circumstance, she’ll fight me and guilt trip me. I comply sometimes. Understand that I cant give a complex relationship summary in a paragraph. But she’s definitely getting a lot of attention and love. Anyone got similar experiences?

  1. Maybe just explain to her that you dont do it to be rude but that you need alone time sometimes?

    Maybe try to find a game or show she would enjoy too so you can try it out together sometimes, but don’t give up your free time.

    To me it seems like she wants to spend quiet “quality time” together. For a lot of people spending time together but doing separate things is almost like a love language, this might be the case for her. So you leaving might feel like a rejection, but she should communicate this to you instead of berating you

  2. Explain you need space sometimes. Just like you care about her feelings, she should care about yours.

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