The first thing to note is that I have no idea who this is. I don’t know their name. I don’t know their grade. I don’t know what they sound like. All I know is that I’m attracted to them. Of course, looks aren’t the only thing that matters. That’s why the plan is to :

1. Find an attractive girl
2. Get the number
3. Understand their personality
4. Decide whether or not they are good for you

**TL;DR;** I’m at step 2 but without knowing anything about them, how does a person spark the first conversation? And if they say no or say they are already in a relationship, what is the best escape?

  1. Be confident and straightforward when asking for her number! Just be respectful if she says no.

  2. Asking tips on how to get a girls number on Reddit…interesting…

    You probably need some common ground first. Just a situation you can make a little small talk, show you aren’t a complete loon. Something as small as asking for the time or asking if she dropped something you found on the floor. At this point I’m old and out of touch so I could be completely wrong on how the kids do it now.

  3. A little grounding for myself I’m 23 M with close to 60 bodies and great relationships with women.

    I’d say the easiest way is to get into shape because women will naturally gravitate towards you,

    As far as cold approaching I don’t usually do that unless she’s giving off choosing signals which can be repeative glances etc.

    3/10 times a girl is going to reject you, there is no elaborate escape, just an “ok” and you walk away.

    As far as getting a number, just ask for it. The worst she can do is say no, be direct, striking up a bs conversation about something you don’t care about will probably lead to the awkwardness you’re in fear of.

    You’re young and I couldn’t get no type of play at that age so don’t be hard on yourself, understanding how to talk to women takes time.

    Let me repeat one point though, get in shape, wether you get the number or not comes down to if she’s physically attracted to you (confidence also comes with being in shape)

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