Don’t try to lead the conversation, that’s high-level stuff. You don’t need to try to be funny, it probably won’t work. But the least you can do is make a smile and laugh (it’s ok even if it feels unnatural) when others come and chat with you. I think even that’s a pretty good start.

Before we can give off “I want to be friends with all of you” vibes, I think we should start with the “I don’t mind having a chat with you”. I’m a freshman at college, not severely but definitely introverted, and this minor change I made really upgraded my social experience with others.

  1. I do feel the need to say a word or two just to show them that I am interessted in the topic they talk about. Even tho most the time I’m not that interessted. I think I have this «people pleasing» syndrome which I dont really want to have, because thats not who I am.

    What I am afraid of I think is that people will judge me for being quiet and not say anything in group gatherings.

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