Of course it’s just saying “bad guy” but in reality they can be the best one, good one or differently.

So we are talking about that one confident guy that most women are madly attracted to (biologically)

Do you know such a guy perhaps, what are his traits?

What constitues a “Bad Boy”?

  1. It’s the self confidence factor and a little bit of a sense of danger that girls are attracted to.

    I say girls because as women mature, they generally learn to recognize what’s actually valuable in a partner.

  2. Women as a generalization don’t like “bad guys” as much as they like powerful and competent men.

  3. Rebel, law breaker. Tattoos, drinks, attractive in an unconventional way. Def. someone your parents wouldn’t approve of.

  4. Confidence, risk taker, DGAF about societal norms – fearlessly and unabashedly himself.

    Obviously a guy can go too far with it but a lot of wallflower type guys could certainly use a dose of it!

  5. A couple of days ago I tried something I saw: girls wanna have someone who they can trust and respect.

    Without many details I met the “new gf” of a friend (they have been together for a year or something like that) I said some sexists comments by accident and by the end of the night I could tell she was falling for me.

    Just show that u will not let her be hurt, are prepared to face different situations and if you can make her laugh, you can have pretty much anyone.

  6. Unavailability physical, emotional or otherwise. Excitement. Sponteneity. Mysterious. Dangerous. No expectations. Confidence. Usually opens them to a world they no little about.

  7. You just said it in your question, confidence. Case closed. You ever heard of a “bad boy” that acted like he wasn’t the toughest shit in the world?

  8. The confidence and balls to not kiss her ass and act indifferent which most nice guys won’t do

  9. Assertive, decisive, takes charge, willing to go there if need be, and does whatever he wants. Bad boy’s display traits that women have found attractive since the dawn of time. A lot of modern men don’t have these traits now.

  10. 1. He feels emotions but never bends to them. Thus he’s both passionate and in control of himself.

    2. He treats her how she wants to be treated, and every woman wants to be treated differently. Most women want this to happen without actual communication, as if it’s personality or instinct. But it’s just guessing from men, and that’s why most women (and men) fail after most initial successes.

    Until we read the book, we don’t know if it’s any good — and most of us still can’t read.

  11. I like when guys that women don’t like tell other guys that women don’t like what kind of guys women like.

    Really valuable information is being exchanged.

  12. Let me start by saying I am not an expert, I just like to read papers and studies about things.

    Dark triad traits seem to be attractive in the way that spices improve a soup. Put some in there and it will be awesome – have too much of it and it ruins the whole dish.

    When we are talking about biological attraction we are talking health indicators, so no obesity, no anorexic (“malnourished”) appearance. Broader shoulders than hips increase attraction biologically as well and facial features that that indicate maturation to the point of adulthood also tend to be perceived as attractive.

    With all that being said: Evolution is not a straightjacket and parts of these natural proclivities can obviously be overwritten, however depending on deeply that is ingrained into us, it might be a very difficult task requiring a lot of time, effort & resources and might not be worth the result that is by no means guaranteed.

  13. I’m guessing women find bad boys to be fun and exciting, and that lasts for a while, but later they figure out the good boys are the stable and dependable type that can maintain a lasting relationship and be mature.

  14. Availability. If you always have time they end up taking it for granted, while if you always put it off, that one time you don’t it makes it more meaningful

  15. *”What are the traits of a “bad guy” that most women are attracted to?”*

    All of them.

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