Found this on his phone…I’m so hurt, so angry and confused. He was such a good guy to me and treated me well and now my life is changing in a flash.

  1. I am so sorry. I wish I could do something to take this horrible pain away. No one deserves this.

  2. Sorry about what you found. You must be devastated. Get STD check asap and keep records. I am sorry for your pain

  3. STD check immediately and get a lawyer. I’m so sorry. I wish it was a criminal offense to cheat and expose your spouse to STDs.

  4. Some people just can’t go through life without feeling like they are getting away with something.

  5. I am so sorry gal, I don’t usually comment on Reddits but I just want you to know you’re not crazy for not catching any signs — over the past few years I’ve realized that there are just some people who are capable of completely hiding parts of themselves that they are ashamed about. Not everyone may have the moral compass you do. Wish you the best

  6. Like everyone said, I’m so sorry for the pain you must be feeling. Trust that how you feel now is temporary. It’s a storm you have to get through but on the other side of the clouds are the sunny days you dream about. Just be strong through the hard part. Perhaps you’re fortunate to have found out at all. It may be a hard pill to swallow, but it looks like he wasn’t the prince you deserve. So mourn the loss, pick yourself up, and move forward. The sooner you’re back to your best self the sooner your life can continue on a path that serves you.

  7. Great guy to you? Sounds like a shallow people pleaser. You will find better!

  8. I’m sorry that he is scum. Get away from him as fast as you can. You owe him no explanation.

  9. I am so sorry, you must be devastated. Get checked. I hope you have a support system you can lean on these next few months 🙏

  10. This is awful, i’m so sorry this happened to you. I hate to break it to you, but he was not a good guy to you. He was pretending. I would get as far away from that scumbag as I could, ASAP. And get tested.

  11. I normally don’t flat out advocate for this but you need to leave him. This wasn’t a one-off thing, an accident (not that it’s ever okay!) this is a pattern. An addiction. A lack of caring.

  12. Never blame yourself for not noticing signs. Sometimes a person is just very good at hiding who they really are.

  13. I’m so sorry this happened to you. At least you found out before marriage, or at least I assume you did as you didn’t mention being married. I’m going through a divorce right now and it’s this type stuff that really worried me about dating. My compass when it comes to men must be completely off because I was blindsided too. I’m not sure he actually cheated but assume he did. Found out he hit on several of my best girl friends but they didn’t tell me until after we were separated. They knew I was in denial and it would be devastating to our 2 young daughters at the time

    I know how betrayed you must feel and disappointed in the loss of a bright future with him. No one deserves this type treatment. Its good that you found out now.

    Out of curiosity, did you go thru his phone because you were concerned or just happen to come across it more innocently? I admit there were times my intuition made me want to look thru my spouse’s phone but I didn’t have the password. I’m also curious what he said when you confronted him? I know my spouse would have taken the defensive position and deflect by saying things like “how dare you go thru my phone!” Ultimately, it doesn’t matter at the point you actually find something. I think in my next relationship I will want us to have each other’s passwords. I really wouldn’t go thru his phone because I believe in the right to his and my privacy so hoping that just knowing the passwords helps keep us more honest. Course cheaters cover their tracks so not sure that would really matter.

  14. I’m so sorry you’re going through this pain. I’ve been there and it’s heartbreaking. For anyone unsure, it’s likely not his sexuality that’s the problem… it’s the cheating. I know plenty of bisexuals, myself included, who can have monogamous, faithful hetero relationships. If he tries to blame that as a reason for cheating, don’t buy into it. Cheating is cheating, regardless of the genitals you bump against!

  15. I’m so sorry for you having to go through this. You need a good lawyer and you need to get checked for STDs. Then divorce his sorry ass.

  16. There’s seriously only one option. He has zero respect for you or yalls commitment. Leave him. Hurts in short term, best for both of you in the long haul.

  17. Damn. This is fuckin awful.
    Remember to breathe. Remember that none of this is your fault.

  18. His next move is to deny it, gaslight you, then probably try to blame you. Honestly, I agree w other comment, just flee. Change number, send papers. A big part of you will long for the apology and and even bigger part will want to believe the lies. This is cognitive dissonance, and it is a very strong psychological state. And denial in which it’s more pleasant to believe the lies than the pain of the truth.

  19. FYI. Upvoting every post on here that supports the wife. 1000% of my condolences, OP.

    This sociopath literally piece of trash definitely should be in jail. IMO.

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