Hi all,

I beefed up the New UI for desktop browsers.

You will see a new “tab” menu running across the top:


This menu should be viewable by people using a desktop web browser & the New UI and people using Reddit’s Reddit Mobile App ( at the least ).

Notice the “Filter Threads” menu.

I’ve created link-flair ( a better name would be “thread type tags” ) for a few different types of threads:

* General
* Career Jobs Work
* Life Advice
* Mental Health

Clicking on any of those 4 types should result only in the desired type of thread being shown.

In addition to the aforementioned new menu in the New UI, I have also put “thread type tags” menus in the New UI side bar and the Old Desktop UI sidebar.

Desktop web browser users can install the web browser extension RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite ). Among many other *useful* features the RES extension will automatically filter out link-flair/thread types of your choosing. For example, using RES you could have all “Life Advice” threads in AskMenOver30 automatically filtered out. The RES is available for both the Old Desktop UI and the New UI.

I think some mobile apps for reddit *may* have this feature too.

If you about that, please chime in about it in the comments below.

In regards to seeing fewer negative threads you now have some power to filter those out.

**The best way to see the kind of content you want is to post threads on topics you want to talk about.**

You have to do this more than once, but it works. I’ve seen it.

If other people see threads on a particular topic, regularly, they will be encouraged to make their threads on that topic.

Career – Jobs – Work threads are fairly ubiquitous on AskMenOver30.

That was not the case for many years after AskMenOver30 was created.

A few people started posting about careers and more followed.

Regularly posting threads on the topics you want to read to get other people to post on that topic too, *works*.

In any event, I hope these changes make it easier for people to see the content they want.

  1. Thanks for the hard work! I think banning relationship threads has made this sub much better and more beneficial to the conversation of being a man over 30.

  2. At this point, we probably need another post flare for “I have not accomplished X life milestone by Y age, what do I do?” type posts.

  3. This is great, thank you!

    Just a thought — should there be a category on midlife crises, given that we see so many of those?

  4. One tiny nit to pick: “Friendly and Supportive Conversations Between Adults” should be “*Among* Adults” since there’s more than two of us engaged in the conversations.

  5. I appreciate the negative threads because they confirm that I’m not alone in feeling lost, bored, lonely, and unfulfilled in my early 30s. Those threads are a continuous reminder that I’m not alone in this. The thread the other day where everyone was sharing what’s good about their lives (happy relationships, great kids, huge incomes, home ownership) really made me feel horrible about myself. It felt just like browsing Facebook and seeing everyone’s life highlights and vacation photos.

  6. Considering it’s a subreddit for adult men, it would be nice to be able to use adult language.

  7. Thanks, I know I’m responsible for at least 1 negative post around here, I’ll try to do more positive stuff in the future.

  8. People need to realize that if someone’s life is going great, they generally don’t need advice and reddit tends to down vote anyone posting good news about their life as “humble bragging” so of course you’re naturally going to see mostly “negative” content. That’s how reddit as a whole is; its certainly not limited to this sub.

  9. Dude, Modman, don’t try to remove these “negative posts”.

    Those are what makes this place unique.

    You can get easy going topics and basic bitch advice anywhere on Reddit.

    The kind of deep and real topics that gets discussed here literally have very few other places to be had without it turning toxic.

    A lot of men in their 30s, 40s and 50s suffer.

    Closing our eyes to that won’t change it.Drugs, alcoholism, loneliness, not becoming a parent, being injured.Men suffer.

    Like for real, a lot of us suffer, stats prove it.

    Men have it rough today.Why do you feel like we need to shut out their voices?

    We’ve grown up with this toxic masculinity of “shut up and go to work” and then we finally found somewhere to share our struggles with just openminded and honest talks and some users complain and suddenly you get antsy and want to turn this sub into what exactly?

    Do you have any idea how unique this place is for giving men a positive place to share their struggles?

  10. Have we got a topic/flair about hair care and loss? I feel like losing your hair is so common amongst men it should be up there? Not just “just shave it off, dude” advice. But solid go to advice and resources for not going bald or restorative advice since it can be a major source of stress and anxiety once we notice it

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