My break up was very sudden in terms of we were supposed to go on a date I’d planned and she just dumped me instead after sexting me so it left me feeling fucked up for awhile.

I can’t watch porn because I’m not really attracted to women unless I know them, men I can be attracted to but my confidence has been awful.

I’m going to therapy and on anti depressants. I’ve cum on these meds in the past I just feel like maybe I’d feel less suicidal if I could cum once in awhile.

I also just think about how she’d criticize me for always cumming after her and not at the same time so even if I’m jerking off I start down talking myself in her voice and feel like shit.

Just really sad and sexually frustrated.

  1. I am sorta in the same sitch. My bf 46 was married and is going through a rough divorce I’m 45 and we have a lot of sex but very rarely does he cum. I always feel bad but he says it’s ok he still enjoys it. So I get it man. Maybe do it for the enjoyment and then you’ll relax and you’ll be able to cum.

  2. I feel like when you meet the right person jumping through hoops doesn’t feel like jumping through hoops 🙃

  3. Sounds like she had her issues that had nothing to do with you. Sorry, you went thru this. Relationships can be a bitch and hurt like hell. Been there myself. I would
    focus on being the best you. Get up, get moving, exercise, get healthy, eat healthy. You’ll find you’ll start feeling better and the your mood will be better and you’ll probably end up attracting a much better person that notices the new you. The anti-depressants, as you noted, dull the senses and the libido. You aren’t being the true you, more of a dulled sense of you. Takes the highs and lows off of everything. Be very careful with the suicidal thoughts. These are not coming from a clear place in your head. Try not to be alone when you aren’t feeling so well. Go out be in public if nothing else. Loneliness doesn’t work well by feeding more alone time. It will get better. I promise.

  4. I think it’s sort of normal because of the stress and grief. And prostate is a very sensitive to stress and because of that person could lose for a some time erection, ability to ejeculate, have orgasms or sensitivity of penis. So i could be a situation when even if a person can have a erection at least for some time (it could be frustratingly short) he just doesn’t feel much, dick is just sort of numb. Dr.s say it takes time to heal (and medicine) but i must say it frustrates if only pleasure of sex is voice in your head what sayes: yes, finally you are having sex right now. No physically good feeling, just effort not to lose erection. And no orgasm anyway. That sucks. And if she sucks you then it could be unnoticed if you close your eyes. Literally.
    I broke up because of my own overlaping relationship and all i described happened to me. No orgasms with my new girlfriend. Never. 1,5 years. None. Doctor sayed it heals over the time. But medical care for prostate inflammation (caused by the stress ) is useful.
    Call it God’s punishment or smth else but so it is.

  5. 😥 I am so sorry you’re dealing with this. Know that she was a bit insane and not rational. You’re not broken, and don’t deserve the emotional abuse.

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