For me, it was when I realized that every supposedly flawless hot woman I saw in real life or on Instagram had to deal with potentially painful periods every month. Just because someone seems perfect does not mean that they do not deal with any pain: these super hot women are regular people too.

  1. I have sisters.

    It was easy to see that women can be some really stupid and shitty people.

  2. Erm I wouldn’t say I ever put them on a pedestal. My parents never stressed on the whole gender difference at all. I just used my brain to deduce we are the same exact species lol

  3. I worked on myself and developed an abundance mentality. It’s empowering knowing that I have a lot to offer and there are a lot of options.

  4. Processing a true and severe heartbreak is both humbling and eye-opening. If that doesn’t adjust ones perspective…nothing will.

  5. They never were. The most negative events of my life were directly and indirectly caused by women.

  6. Any kind of interaction with women will make you stop putting them on a pedestal. They’re idealized in our culture (like they’re pure and whatnot); but for real they can be far worse than any men.

    First time you hear a woman talking about sex is the moment you lose any kind of idéal towards women you still held onto.

  7. When a crush of mine who had a similar crush on me (unbeknownst to ME, of course) told me one of the reasons why she liked me is because I WOULDN’T put her on a pedestal

  8. I should have focused on my own life and the loved ones I already have. My Parents.

  9. There was no specific revelation. It was just having girls as friends over the years. They’re people just like anyone else.

  10. When I broke up with my first love. I was able to take an emotional inventory. It was then I realized I’m a good person and deserve to be treated like a human.

    Reading The Rational Male is what really drove the last nail in the coffin and allowed my new perspective to do away with my old captain save a ho mentality.

  11. I realized that, along with the pedestal type features, there’s a mountain of grief with dealing with ‘most’ of them.

  12. Realizing that I offer a lot to a potential partner so it’s not worth getting all worked up every girl I’m attracted to.

  13. when I realized women are far less evolved than men and should be treated more like pets than equals.

    Women are not complex, they are grossly simple, they will always cheat and will always lie. Their whole life revolves around deceit and when you realize this you are free from the burden of seeing them as anything but the momentary entertainment they really are. Oh sure there are a few really good women out there and I hate lumping them in with the masses but today’s modern woman has devolved into a permanently entitled child.

  14. I never have. I kinda recognize that inside of every woman is that girl who used to annoy me on the playground back in the day and that kind helps me keep my head on straight!

  15. I just realized they really weren’t that great and that they weren’t better than me and I had bigger aspirations to go for.

  16. I never put them on a pedestal. If anything, I find most of them a bit boring.

  17. So many of them view men as inferior or only valuable for what they provide without having anything to offer in return. In summation, many of them are as sexist and jaded as many men are. I just keep my eyes out for the healthy ones.

  18. When I realised their double standards..

    All I can say is, welcome to the man’s world, you’re not gonna like it…

  19. Honestly, no one should put anyone on a pedestal. It’s not fair to the person you’re trying to shove up there and it is not fair to you. We are all just people. Everyone has a butthole and they all shit.

  20. When they started abusing the power they hold in the world/relationships.

  21. When viewed from a distance… They seem wonderful. Spend some time around them and they can get on your nerves just like anything else.

  22. Experience. After you have been with a few, you know many are not special. The truly special ones are few and far in between and there is no problem with you pedestalizing them cause they pedestalize you too.

  23. Realizing that I was always the secondary priority to the ones I loved and I need to be selfish for my own good

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