I’m in middle school rn and I can’t with them 🙄

  1. I am so sorry about that… I was bullied in middle school and Ahmad a “glow up” after high school was done. I must say something, school is such a small part of our history, I feel very sorry for those who peak at this time.

    And being petty, I was a overly skinny, hairy, nerdy kid. Well I did laser hair removal, I earn great money, and I have nice body. I must tell that sometimes I accept those girls from school as facebook friends and they all look 15y older than me and miserable, so, yeah…

  2. I was in study hall and over heard some preps talking about the people in their classes… just naming people then talking sh*t about them. Mine wasn’t the worst but when my name came up – some girls asked who I was cuz they didn’t recognize the name hahahah one girl said “she’s forgettable. She doesn’t really talk so idk what her deal is”. I quietly laughed and thought “f*ck off”. We are all in our 30s now. No clue where any of them ended up and I could care less. You couldn’t pay me to go back to school! I didn’t go to my 10 year reunion either- but I guess no one would have known who I was hahaha

  3. I remember when I entered middle school, so around the same time when girls start to enter puberty, for some reason there was this group of girls known for unhooking the bra of girls with especially large breasts and then mocking them for having saggy boobs or some shit.

    Just imagine a bunch of 11 year olds making fun of each other for having boobs. It was so stupid lol

  4. I was fortunate enough to do middle school at home. Thankfully I have no mean girls story.

  5. Made the terrible mistake of sitting at the wrong lunch table due to lack of chairs at my usual in a school that was very clique-y. Sat next to a girl I thought was my friend and was always very sweet in the classes we shared.

    She agreed that I could sit, then didn’t look at or acknowledge me at all and the other girls at the table (who I also thought I was at least on good terms with) followed suit. None of them spoke to me in classes again after that. It was crushing and so, so awkward. I frantically asked others what I did wrong or if I smelled or offended them somehow and nothing, no idea why they did that. It was so odd. Not the usual mean girl shutout I was familiar with.

  6. This new girl started at my school. Same homeroom. One day she called me up and was trying to get me to agree that I was talking crap about one of my friends, I didn’t argue back for whatever reason. Turns out that friend was on a three way call with me. My friend group stop being friends with me over this.

  7. Two snotty girls were standing in a video rental store (we had those back then) talking about me.

    “Ms. Rarity says she’s missing school next week because she’s going to Disneyland.”

    “Can you believe it?”

    “As if!”

    They giggled.

    I was super poor and everyone in school knew it, so I guess the rumor was I was missing school and lying about it to fake a trip to Disneyland.

    A man walked up behind them.

    “Hey, I’m her uncle Richard Rarity, and I AM taking her to Disneyland!”

    They were speechless.

    As told to me by my uncle, who just happened to be in the right place at the right time and did, in fact, take me to Disneyland.

  8. Immediately into 6th grade, this one girl who was taller than everyone else would physically bully people by intimidating them and threatening to hit them with things. One day at PE, she yelled at my friend and I and threatened to hit us with her belt. I pointed at my own (we wore uniform) and told her we’d just be hitting each other the entire period. My friend added that she’d jump in too. The bully backed down and didn’t try it with me again. She also lost a lot of her intimidation power because other kids realized she wasn’t as tough as she pretended to me.

    TLDR: bullies aren’t that tough once they realize they can be jumped

  9. I had a kid in my class from middle trough high school and that kid was dirt poor, he wore old rags as clothes, old shoes with holes in them, he smelled bad, his bicycle fell apart, he had no phone and he came from a family of 6 kids, 4 pets and he lived with his dad and stepmother, anyways when I first met him in middle school I noticed they kept calling him a hobo and saying that he gets his clothes from the thrift store including his MP3 player and later all the cardboard box jokes came because they said homeless people live in cardboard boxes.

    Anyways I had a girl in class that told everyone how she acted with her overly entitled, arrogant Paris Hilton personality to that kid first thing in the morning at the school yard, she said to him “Please take a damn shower and buy a new bicycle! You are such a homeless person! Stop being poor!” Everyone laughed at this and she felt so proud for being like this.

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