I wanna hear about them. Let me know!

  1. Being there for me when I need it, I don’t have to ask and he won’t ever make me feel bad if he’s having to pick up the slack. An example is I’m sick right now and he’s just doing all of the chores, taking care of our kid, keeping the house clean, and encouraging me to rest and take care of myself. He hasn’t asked me for anything or complained once.

    It’s hard not to have guilt over feeling I’m not doing enough, so having a supportive partner who won’t add to that guilt and actually does the opposite and assures me he’s happy to do this and wants me to take care of myself is huge.

    And also… he’s thoughtful, hilarious, handsome, we have a great sex life, he’s an incredible dad. There’s a lot of things I love about the man. But it’s the small gestures like I mentioned above that just bring everything next level for me.

  2. Finishes or continues my southpark quotes. He’s the only person who can keep up with me and vice versa.

  3. I have a long drive to work 2 days a month. He wakes up with me early and makes me a togo bag with coffee and all of the food I need for the day. Then he remote starts my car so it is cool/warm for me. I’ve tried to tell him that I don’t expect him to do this every month, but he does it because he loves me. So I work hard to offer words of affirmation and appreciate all that he does for me.

  4. There’s so much I already love her for. But most recently I love her all the more for bravely carrying our babies though I know she’s having a hard time with the pregnancy and is scared shitless about childbirth.

  5. He always brings or offers to bring me things from the kitchen. Like coffee in bed every morning & if he notices that my water bottle is empty during the day, he will refill it. 🥰

  6. He gives me a good morning kiss every single day before rolling out of bed for work.

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