It just embarrases me that other people can hear my bussiness if i talk with someone in person or with a cellphone. I don’t like people hearing my conversations.

I talk softer when i see a person walking towards me, or if there’s someone behind i talk as quiet as possible and that makes the one i’m talking to not being able to hear me, but i’m just so shy about other people being capable of hearing a conversation that’s not theirs.

How can i stop this tho? I want to talk freely without thinking about this.

  1. Why are you so afraid of being judged? What happened in your life that made you worry about what it is youre expressing? Why dont you trust yourself? For what reason does other people hearing your thoughts, change the way in which your thoughts are presented? Your beliefs about yourself and the world created this. Now you must find out why you believe these things, and dismantle them. Just let them go because they are not you, they are what happened to you.

  2. I say: own it! There are already enough people out there talking all the time, loud as all hell, getting on other peoples’ nerves. If you don’t feel like talking, don’t. Your thoughts (and by extension, your words) are precious to you, right? Give them the time and audience they deserve.

  3. Exhaust yourself by thinking about – How uninteresting it is to over hear another person on the phone. Another mistake, You think everyone else thinks like you do. We are tiny %. Most people, even if they can overhear you are in no way paying attention/ going to remember anything bc they are so caught up being a ME monster

    Just relax. You might actually draw unwanted attention by acting more suspicious bc you don’t want people hearing you. (Basically- any attempts at avoiding what you are trying to avoid- is futile).

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