Are soulmates real? and if so how do you know thats the one?

  1. They are not. There are lots of fantastic people one can be with. “The One” is a movie myth that works in a world without any doubts, where wind blows through hair, time goes down to slow motion and eyes meet while cheesy music plays in the background on the first meeting. And then there is reality. Imagine the concept of the One would actually be real, but you – as you greatly observed – have no way to tell who it is. And then you meet someone who you think is your “One”. And it doesn’t work out.

    Essentially that would mean (to you) you have f*ck it up for life. Nobody will EVER come close to that person again, no relationship you will form from here on out will be “real”, in fact you getting together with anyone from now on means you are keeping THEM from their “One”. That is why some who believe in that myth and who have “lost their One” just end their lives. Because in that fever dream, their loss of “the one” marks the end of all romance for life.

    Yeah, loss hurts, loss can hurt overwhelmingly to the point where nothing will be like it was before, but that is not destiny, that is us – normal people – putting in effort, heart and soul to build something together.

  2. Absolutely not lol. I don’t believe in the idea of soulmates. There are 4 billion people of the opposite sex living alongside with you. The idea that you just one day happen to find the right one is based on fairytales.

  3. No. My ex tried to tell me we were twin flames and soulmates. If anyone tries to tell you something like this, take it as an immediate red flag.

  4. Possibly.

    But there is no “one”. There are many that could be a “one”.


    And I’d suppose you’d figure it out after 24-36 months of dating, constantly vetting them as to whether they are a good person, are they are a good match, and keeping your dick in your pants while making these calls. If they pass the standards during that time and make it to 3 years? You know you have the one for you.

  5. Don’t worry about soul mates or not. Have a set of standards your looking for and see if there is chemistry. If you love someone that’s all you need. But having standards keeps many relationships from falling abart or becoming destruction.

  6. I don’t think so, but i think there can be 2 people that match together very nicely that it’s almost like the concept of a soulmate

  7. Soulmates arent real imo. There are people you feel close to, the people you love, someone special you connect to, but never a soulmate

  8. Of course not. It’s absurd.

    Unless you define it with something as vague as ‘person you can marry and love for your life’. Which ends up being most likely a great many people that you’d fit with… but that isn’t really the point of ‘soulmate’ obviously.

  9. Love and soulmates don’t exist, it’s just a bunch of chemicals your brain releases when it’s met with something new.

    I’ll give you an example:

    My ex broke up with me a month ago, we were together for 6.2 years and I was already saving for the proposal. A year ago I stopped “loving” her, obviously I was about to break up, but then a realization came to me, I was just getting used to the way I felt whenever I was with her, I was falling into a routine.

    So I gave myself one month to evaluate things.

    In that month, I decided to look at her like a total stranger, every time she was with me I just sat there and looked at how she walked, how she smiled, how her hair was so beautiful, etc.

    I ended up “falling in love” again, but not because I found new and amazing emotions, in fact, everything was the same.

    I fell in love with the idea of sharing my life with the person with whom I lived so many moments and made so many memories.

    Sadly she didn’t, ended up telling me “I cannot look you the same way I did before, I don’t love you anymore”. This made me realize that love doesn’t exist, what exist and really matters is how much effort you put in your relationship and when the time comes, how willing are you to evaluate your life up until that point with that person.

    If one of the parts fails to do this, the relationship is over.

  10. No. It’s all about pros and cons and how many important boxes the other person checks off. Marrying on emotions and not logic is a recipe for divorce

  11. *”Are soulmates real?”*


    *”and if so how do you know thats the one?”*

    Easy there is no “THE ONE”.

  12. No they are not. We are individuals. As in one. Just because we have reproductive organs does it mean we have to be with someone else forever.

  13. Probably not. The stong feeling of attraction and “love” for one person is probably an evolutionary way of ensuring parents stay together long enough to raise a child to be independant.

  14. No.

    There are lots of right people, but very few right times. Your “soul mate” is just the one who ticks both of those boxes.

    I met my wife on a Tuesday evening nine years ago. I wouldn’t be living some lie if, on *Monday* night, I boarded a plane to London or Tokyo or Sydney or Milwaukee and lived my life and fell in love with someone there instead.

  15. No, it’s a fantasy sold by Hollywood and Disney to sell feel good movie tickets.

    Only you can decide when you’ve met someone you are compatible with for a relationship. That person could very different just based on whether you turned left or right down a particular street or walked into a specific coffee shop.

  16. “The One” doesn’t exist. There’s only a person whose flaws bother you less than many others’ and who can tolerate yours.

  17. The idea of soulmates bothers me because it sounds like it wasn’t a personal choice to be with that person.

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