I grew up on a beach city in Florida as a kid. Exposed bodies were pretty much everywhere. I never really thought that was out of the ordinary. I live in Atlanta now. My circle is pretty wild so them wearing no clothes at all wouldn’t even be a shock to me. But I’m realizing how many people either think showing off your body is conceited or they are just simply body shy. Why? I don’t know but what I do know is everyone has a body. Every one has seen just about every type of body. I have even met males who believe that it’s “too much” for their chest to show. Not for religious reasons.

I don’t really match well with shy friends but I do have a couple of them. They would rather die than someone see their body. Im sorry but that’s just childish to me. I don’t see why an adult would be so scared for someone to see something that we all know is there.

Im not saying people need to show off their bodies 24/7, even though I’m not opposed, bodies are normal. Im just saying there’s no actual good reason to be body shy.

  1. It’s not any one thing, it’s just being socialized in America. The very short version of it is that American media portrays unrealistic body standards for men and women. Oftentimes, people who aren’t extremely fit looking are portrayed as goofy or funny looking if they are fat and not covered up. Fat people are often portrayed poorly in media. You form the subconscious opinion that fat people are gross and you should cover yourself up. People who aren’t attractive are gross and should cover themselves up. You’re an eyesore to the people around you if you’re sporting tummy fat, so cover up so people don’t have to look at it.

    It’s all ridiculous, though. People should be allowed to not wear clothes if they don’t want to. Fat bodies aren’t inherently harmful to see. Non-fit bodies aren’t inherently harmful to see. Nudity isn’t inherently harmful, it’s just the way we socialize people.

  2. A lot of people don’t like their bodies much and/or have experienced being mocked for them.

  3. Consider yourself lucky that you’ve quite clearly never been told you’re too ugly to be allowed.

  4. Self conscious over their weight, skin, build/figure, and any other thing that could cause it. Or they just feel like being dressed idk I get sun burned easily so I throw a shirt back on after an hour lol.

  5. Being fat. Most of my body has never seen the sun, or least not since I was a very young child, and I intend for it to stay that way. I’ll die before I put on a pair of shorts or wear sandals.

  6. You are allowed to have an opinion, but please don’t demean others for having one as well. There are plenty of reasons why people might be body shy. People may have a history of abuse, or have experienced body shaming….. and yes, men do experience body shaming too.

    Your experience is not universal.

  7. A massive abdomonal scar that you’re tired of answering questions about will do it.

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