So me and him have been together since end of January. Around 2 weeks in, there was some emotional cheating on his end so we “broke it off” for like a week. (This next part is stupid I know): After that week we talked and I took him back 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s been a little rocky ever since, my anxiety has been all time high and my trust issues too.

Things felt like they were getting better until last night we had an emotional conversation about how this relationship has been difficult (we are long distance now because i went back to school) and how there are external factors that make this relationship difficult.

He texted me this morning simply saying “I’m not ready to be in a relationship. I have a lot of issues to figure out”

So like obviously that hurt because I was actually willing to put in effort to try and fix this and it seems like he’s just giving up right in front of me. We kept texting and he basically broke up with me.

What do I do? I’m so lost and hurt. Anyone been through something like this?

TL;DR boyfriend “not ready” for relationship. Basically broke up over text

1 comment
  1. Focus on your studies instead of trying to have a LDR for the sake of being in a relationship. I get the feeling he’s not trustworthy in these scenarios and he’s decided not to put you through him cheating again. Just let it go and move on.

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