I(19M) told my best friend (19F) my feelings towards her and how i really like her. She was really calm when i told her this and she even said that our bond is very special and we could work this out. She said that she would text me in the afternoon the next day but it’s night now and i still haven’t received anything.
I am madly in love with her but i don’t want anything is it will get between our friendship. What should I do next?

TD;LR: i met my best friend around 10 months ago and we instantly clicked and started to enjoy eachothers company soon enough we became very close. About 3 months ago i started to develop fellings for her and some time later i realised that I am madly in love with her.

  1. Yes no maybe. It’s tough to tell because we don’t know how your friend normally reacts to news so it’s hard to tell based on her response.

    Either way this is the risk you take when you tell your bestfriend you have feelings. Things can’t go back to normal usually and there will always be an awkwardness

  2. Communication is key in any relationship, even if it’s just a friendship.

  3. It’s possible that you can bounce back from this. Communication is key. My recommendation is to give her some space for right now. Let her set the pace of where you go from here. Most importantly, respect her decision. If she doesn’t want a relationship then you have to accept that. Don’t be passive aggressive. Don’t make snide comments. Just be willing to gracefully accept whatever decision she makes.

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