If you had to go on a reality TV show, which one would you pick?

  1. Hunted

    You have to evade capture for a certain amount of days and then make it to the extraction point and get away on the helicopter or boat without being captured by a hunter to win the money

  2. Probably a travel/food show that is not a competition format. Like to have been co-host with Anthony Bourdain before he passed away.

  3. I don’t really know of any shows, so I guess Bachelor or something similar where all the women are strikingly beautiful, skinny and classy, because I’m fat, ugly and tattooed and would ruin the entire atmosphere and image of the show with my ogreness. I think that would be fun, at least for me.

  4. The Great British Bake Off

    I’d give them some fierce competition, this woman can bake.

  5. Maybe something the The Great British Bake Off where the stakes are low and contestants are supportive of each other. A friend of a friend was on the Canadian version a few years ago and had nothing but good things to say about the experience.

  6. Making It

    I would be abysmal in anything that requires bluffing or making alliances. I have no poker face and suck at lying. And not great at networking it. 😅

    Making It I wouldn’t do well but it would be fun and I’d get to meet Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman.

  7. Nailed It!

    I think I’m juuuust good and artsy enough that I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself.

  8. Definitely Alone. You mean I get to be in the middle of uninhabited land as long as I want with no people around to bother me?

    We’d get to day 100 or something and they’d be like, “Congratulations! You’ve won! You get to leave now!” And I’d just refuse.

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