What’s something a woman could do on a first date that would make it the last?

  1. Asking for favors – – I’m not interested in being anybody’s personal car service, for example

  2. Many years ago I took a young lady out to dinner. She talked nonstop about one of my best friends. That was our last date. Never called her, or asked her out again.

  3. Smoking, constantly on her phone, being rude to wait staff, making racist comments, constantly talking about her ex, making negative comments about men

  4. Show obvious signs of poor hygiene.

    Mistreat the waitstaff.

    Constant negativity.

    Loud and unaware of surroundings.

  5. I once went on a date where she started going on and on about privilege, toxic masculinity and the patriarchy

    Which I guess are valid points for discussion and can make for good conversation, but not in a way where you’re clearly upset at the men in the world and looking to take it out on me

  6. Outside of the obvious ones, never contributing to a conversation. Using one-worded responses or outright ignoring me while on the phone is so heart breaking. Feels like I’m just wasting my time and she wasn’t interested at all.

  7. She could say : ” Hey I had a great time tonight, but I don’t feel like we are compatible.”

  8. Using me as an emotional trash can with her endless complaints and stories while not showing any interest in me. I’m not your therapist.

  9. Using a self destruct technique without having advanced regeneration powers (like Cell)

  10. 1. bring up an ex
    2. spend 5 minutes on recording the whole table of food to post on her ig story
    3. don’t have an actual connection in the conversations

  11. True Story – Order the most expensive wine, appetizer and meal on the menu take a couple bites, say she’s full and ask for a to go box

  12. Being broke..

    Over sushi, she told me that she was struggling financially because during her last 3 year relationship, her boyfriend paid all of the bills… but now that she was paying rent & stuff, her money was tight.

    At that moment, I realized… I didn’t want to pay all of her bills.

  13. Going to go for an innocent one: there’s no spark. Nobody’s fault, but our hobbies are too far apart, the conversation’s a bit awkward and forced, we keep coming back to safe topics because anything beyond immediately leads to disagreements and honestly, her preferred cuisine just isn’t something I enjoy.

    Not everything has to be about red flags.

  14. One time I went on a date where the person, I shit you not, spent two hours telling me how awful Libras’s were in every conceivable way. I couldn’t redirect the conversation or comfort them. Yes, they knew I was a Libra. I’m pretty sure she was testing me but like holy crap, I can only be grilled so much on circumstantial crap you relate to people you used to know.

  15. Has multiple kids with different fathers. I get having kids but if someone has multiple kids from multiple people that says a lot about them. Women and men.

  16. Say “we must get married in less than 9 months”.

    A girl actually said that to me on a first date. Wished her all the best and blocked her.

  17. If she starts “educating” me about gender issues, privilege nonsense, men VS women, pay gaps etc, LGBT and all these social issues going on. No thanks.

  18. Holy shit I read this as “what could a women do on the first date that would make it last” and was so confused

  19. Say something disrespectful like it’s normal. Eg: ohh I thought you’d be taller. It’s not about the act itself, it’s just an indicator of red flags that lay waiting.

  20. – Living on the instagram influencer planet
    – expecting you to pay the dinner

  21. Not asking questions or trying to be present. We fellas can be good conversationalists, but it’s not a one way street. That’s the conversational equivalent of a dead fish.

  22. Talks about her “abusive” or “trash” exes. Big ole 🚩 if ALL of your exes are trash then the problem is you sweetheart. This goes for men too obviously.

    Complains about the date at all, coffee date, drinks, not fancy enough place, etc.

    Brings friends that she expects you to pay for too.

    Casually flirts with other men.

    Is rude to anyone.

    Constantly on phone or just not engaging in conversation.

  23. Be rude to waiting or bar staff – or anyone who’s working. No excuses for that.

    Being on their phone all the time is pretty shit

    Fortunately, the last time I dated was in the mid 90s.

  24. Back in the day, when smoking sections in restaurants were a thing, my date got us a table in that section. That was the end.

  25. First date we were walking to a nice dinner. She said “wait a sec” and detoured into a bar, won 2nd place in their booty contest, and took my arm and then we went to dinner like nothing happened.

    I wasn’t ready for a woman like that at the time

  26. I had a girl once suggest we do a “dine and dash”.

    Money wasn’t an issue. She just wanted the thrill of it.

    There was no second date.

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