My best friend, we’ll call her Sara, and her new bf, we’ll call him Luke. They’ve been talking for several months now. They met through a mutual friend. Luke is a very genuine nice guy, will give you the shirt off his back. Comes from great people. He’s insecure of relationships, he’s only been in one and she did him dirty. Sara hasn’t had the best record of relationships either, she’s a single mom and has been doing it on her own for a while. Luke has been very adamant to Sara that the child is not an issue and eventually made it official. Luke has not met the child. He admitted after a month that he was falling in love and Sara was so happy. But he shortly cut it off and admitted that he’s terrified. They still have contact with each other like friends, no physical connection. They are going to meet up for lunch this week and she’s scared but has this gut feeling he’ll come around they just moved too fast and if they did start up again they need to go slow. I just want to be able to give her good advice.

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